Guide To Confined Space Safety: Learn Everything You Need to Know About Confined Spaces

Guide To Confined Space Safety Learn Everything You Need to Know About Confined Spaces

Last Updated on September 25, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

In the industrial and construction worlds, confined spaces are a common occurrence. Unfortunately, many workers do not know what confined space safety is or how to stay safe in these hazardous areas. Confined spaces can be dangerous because of the many hazards involved. This article will discuss everything you need to know about confined spaces! That way, you can better equip yourself and your workers to work safely in these areas. We will cover topics such as confined space safety, the hazards involved, permit-required confined spaces, and safety tips to stay safe in confined spaces. You will also learn different confined space examples.


What is Confined Space Safety?

Confined space safety is the preventive measures taken to ensure the safety of workers in confined spaces. These spaces can be found in many industries and are often enclosed, have limited or restricted means of entry and exit, and are not designed for continuous occupancy.

Confined space safety is important because confined spaces often present many hazards. With confined space safety measures, workers can enter these spaces without fear of injury or death.


What is a Confined Space?

According to the United State Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a confined space is an area that’s large enough to enter or perform certain jobs fully. However, it has restricted or limited means of entry and exit and is not designed for continuous occupancy.

Confined spaces exist in many industries, such as construction, mining, and manufacturing. They are often enclosed in a tank, pipeline, or sewer. And they can present many hazards, such as lack of oxygen, flammable gas, and electrocution.


What is a Permit-Required Confined Space?

A confined space that requires a permit to enter (a “permit space”) contains or potentially contains hazards like a hazardous atmosphere or other serious safety or health concerns. Permit-required confined spaces are characterized as workplaces that involve high risks, requiring special permits and safety procedures to ensure the safety of workers.


Confined Space Examples

There are many confined space examples, but some of the most common confined spaces include:

  • Storage tanks
  • Conveyor belts
  • Ductwork
  • Tunnels
  • Pipelines
  • Silos
  • Vats
  • Ships’ holds
  • Manholes
  • Sewers

These are just a few examples of confined spaces. Each confined space is unique and presents its own set of hazards.


OSHA Standard and Requirements

OSHA’s standard for confined spaces is 1910.146. The OSHA confined space standard details the requirements for permit-required confined spaces. The following are some of the requirements of OSHA confined space standards:

  • Examine the work environment to see if any areas are permit-required confined spaces.
  • If there are spaces in the workplace, ensure that employees who might be exposed to them are aware of the risks.
  • If employers decide that employees will not enter permit spaces, they should take effective measures to keep them out.
  • Draft a written permit space program if employees will enter permit spaces.
  • Permit-required confined spaces have alternate entry procedures that you should follow under certain conditions.
  • When changes in the use or setup of a non-permit confined area may increase risks to employees, reevaluate the space and, if necessary, reclassify it as a permit-required confined space.
  • An employer who designates space as a confined space may, under specific circumstances, become a non-permit confined space.
  • The host should follow established protocols when an employer wants another company’s employees to work in their space.
  • Not only does each employer have to comply with the permit space requirements, but any contractor hired for performing entry operations should follow the given process.


What is a Confined Space Rescue Plan?

A confined space rescue plan is a written plan detailing how to rescue workers from a confined space in an emergency. The confined space rescue plan should be specific to the confined spaces at your workplace.

The confined space rescue plan should include:

  • The name and job title of the person who is responsible for overseeing confined space rescue operations
  • A list of all confined spaces at the workplace, including a description of each space and its location
  • The hazards present in each confined space
  • The names and job titles of employees who are authorized to enter confined spaces
  • The name and job title of the person who is responsible for monitoring confined space entry operations
  • The rescue procedures that will be used in the event of an emergency
  • The names and job titles of employees who are trained in confined space rescue operations
  • The contact information for local emergency responders


Safety Tips for Working in Confined Spaces

There are a few safety tips that all workers should follow when working in confined spaces:

  • Do not enter a confined space without the proper training, equipment, and authorization.
  • Make sure that all confined spaces are properly ventilated before entering.
  • Wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the confined space hazards present.
  • Do not work alone in a confined space.
  • Do not work in a confined space if you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous.
  • Be aware of the signs and symptoms of confined space hazards, such as asphyxiation, chemical exposure, and fires.
  • If you work in a confined space and something goes wrong, get out immediately and call for help.


Create a Confined Space Risk Assessment with DATAMYTE

Working in a confined space requires deep knowledge and understanding of the risks involved. DATAMYTE can help create a confined space risk assessment for your workplace. With our Digital Clipboard software, you can create a workflow to help you identify confined spaces, assess the risks involved, and create a plan to mitigate those risks. 

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a workflow automation software capable of creating comprehensive workflows, checklists, and other quality control documentation. With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you can:

  • Automate confined space risk assessments
  • Identify confined spaces and assess the risks involved
  • Monitor confined space entry operations in real-time
  • Create a confined space rescue plan
  • Train employees in confined space safety procedures

With our intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can easily create a confined space risk assessment specific to your workplace. Book a demo now to learn more about how we can help you improve confined space safety at your facility.



Confined spaces are dangerous places to work. That’s why it’s so important to follow confined space safety procedures and have a confined space rescue plan. You can stay safe while working in confined spaces with proper knowledge, training, and equipment.



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