The Ultimate Guide to Building Security: Everything You Need to Know About Securing Your Business Space

The Ultimate Guide to Building Security Everything You Need to Know About Securing Your Business Space

Last Updated on September 5, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

When you’re running a business, security is key. First, you must ensure your space is safe and secure for you and your employees. There are many different types of building security systems that you can install, and each has its benefits. 

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about building security. We’ll discuss why it’s important, the different building security systems available, and how to secure your building properly. So this guide is for you whether you’re just starting or have been in business for years!


What is Building Security?

Building security protects assets, property, and occupants from perpetrators of violence, intruders, and hazardous situations that can potentially cause damage or harm. Its goal is to detect, prevent, deter, and respond to physical security violations. Underestimating the importance of building security will put your business and workers at risk—so it’s not worth taking the chance!


Why is Building Security Important?

Building Security is important because it’s a way for companies to protect themselves, their property, assets, and building occupants from potential malicious security threats. Even residential building owners and managers should take building security seriously to keep their tenants and families safe.

Taking the proper precautions and implementing building security systems can help create a safe environment for everyone in your building. At the same time, you can also deter potential criminals from targeting your building in the first place.


Types of Building Security Systems

Many types of building security systems are available on the market, and each has its own set of benefits. Some of the most popular building security systems include:


Access Control Systems

These systems restrict and monitor who can enter and exit a building. They often use keycards, PIN codes, or biometric data to grant access. Through these systems, building owners and managers can keep track of who is coming and going and monitor employee activity.


Alarm Systems

Alarm systems help notify the authorities about intruders. They can also alert building occupants of a fire or other emergency. Alarm systems also deter potential criminals from targeting a building.


CCTV Systems

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems are used to monitor building activity. They can deter crime, investigate incidents, and monitor building occupants. At the same time, CCTV systems can also help owners and managers ensure that their employees follow safety protocols.


Intercom Systems

Intercom systems allow building occupants to communicate with each other and building staff. They can be used for security purposes, building announcements, or general communication. In addition, some intercom systems can be used to grant access to building visitors.


Security Personnel

This is often used in combination with other building security systems. Security personnel can help deter crime, investigate incidents, and respond to emergencies. At the same time, they can provide a visible presence that can make building occupants feel safer.


How Do You Secure a Building

Now that you know more about building security, it’s time to start thinking about how you can secure your building. There are many steps that you can take to make your building more secure, but some of the most important include:

  1. Conduct a security and risk assessment of your building. This will help you identify any potential security vulnerabilities and take steps to mitigate them.
  2. Implement building security systems, such as access control, alarm systems, CCTV, and intercoms.
  3. Train your employees on procedures, such as how to use the building security systems and what to do in an emergency.
  4. Cooperate with local law enforcement to develop a security plan for your building.
  5. Regularly review and update your building security procedures to ensure they are effective.
  6. Establish a security perimeter using walls or fences.
  7. Install a weapon detection system at major entry points in your building.
  8. Enforce strict ID-wearing policies, with each ID having a recent photo of its holder.
  9. Screen building visitors and deliveries to ensure they are authorized to be on the premises.
  10. Install a locking or keycode system on doors that lead to sensitive areas.
  11. Keep building exteriors well-lit to deter criminals and increase visibility.
  12. Install CCTV cameras where they will be most effective, such as entrances and exits, hallways, and parking areas.
  13. Review CCTV footage regularly to look for any suspicious activity.
  14. Cooperate with local law enforcement to investigate any incidents on the premises.
  15. Establish security violation protocols, such as revoking building access for employees who violate security procedures.
  16. Hire security personnel to provide a visible presence and help deter crime.
  17. Install motion sensor devices with alarms that notify building occupants of potential intruders.
  18. Keep building entrances and exits clear of debris to ensure they are visible and accessible.
  19. Store flammable materials in fireproof cabinets and away from heat sources.
  20. Inspect electrical wiring regularly to ensure it is up to code and does not pose a fire hazard.
  21. Test fire alarm systems regularly to ensure that they are working properly.
  22. Place signs throughout the building that indicate the location of fire exits.
  23. Develop an evacuation plan and conduct regular drills to ensure all building occupants know what to do during a fire.
  24. Store valuable items in a safe to protect them from theft.
  25. Keep building doors and windows locked when they are not in use.
  26. Keep building exteriors free of overgrown vegetation to improve visibility and deter criminals.


Use DATAMYTE To Create a Building Security Checklist

To ensure that your building is as secure as possible, you should use DATAMYTE to create a building security checklist. This checklist will help you identify any potential security risks and take steps to mitigate them.

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a workflow automation software that features a checklist builder. Its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface will make creating a building security checklist easy and convenient. Simply compile all the items you want on your checklist and add all the elements you want to track.

You can add other elements to your checklists, such as photos, barcodes, and signatures. This will help you keep track of your building security procedures and ensure they are followed correctly.

Once your checklist is complete, you can share it with relevant personnel so they can access it at all times. This will help ensure that your building is always secure. With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you have an all-in-one solution to enforcing building security. Book a demo with us today to see just how useful DATAMYTE can be to your business.



Following the tips and advice in this guide can help make your building a safe and secure environment for everyone. Building security is an important part of keeping your business safe, so don’t hesitate to take steps to improve it. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!



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