How to Create a Near Miss Reporting Form? A Comprehensive Guide

Master the art of crafting effective near miss reporting forms with our guide. Learn the essentials for safety and incident prevention today!

Last Updated on April 23, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

A near-miss reporting form is an important document for any business or organization that wants to ensure the safety of their employees and property. By creating a near-miss report form, you can instantly submit reports of near misses and include photos for better documentation. This guide will show you how to create a near-miss reporting form specific to your needs and help you address time-sensitive risks before they become serious incidents.


What is a Near Miss Form?

A near miss or near miss report form is a document used to record detailed statements of near miss events that could result in injury or property damage. Safety officers commonly use it to record the details of near-miss events to mitigate risks and prevent fatal incidents. Creating a near-miss report form is essential. Be it protecting your employees and property, it can help you identify potential hazards before they become serious problems. At the same time, it’s essential to have a near-miss reporting form specific to your needs to address time-sensitive risks before they become serious.


What is Near Miss Reporting?

Near-miss reporting is the act of documenting a near-miss event in your workplace in a document called a near-miss report. It is used to document the event’s details so that you can identify any potential hazards and take steps to prevent more serious accidents. Near-miss reports are an important part of any safety program and can help you identify potential hazards before they become serious. By creating a near-miss report, you can document the event’s details and take steps to prevent more serious accidents. Near miss reports should contain the following information:

  • Location, time, and date of the near-miss event.
  • Description of the event, including any relevant details.
  • Hazards that triggered the near-miss event
  • Potential consequences avoided
  • Signatures of the employees involved in the near-miss event.


Near Miss Form Example

Below is a sample near-miss report form designed to capture all the essential details related to a near-miss event. This template serves as a comprehensive tool for organizations aiming to document such incidents thoroughly and implement measures to prevent future occurrences. Ensure that this form is accessible to all employees and is filled out immediately after a near-miss event to maintain a safe and informed workplace environment.

Near Miss Report Form

  • Report Number: ______________________
  • Date of Report: ______________________
  • Reporter’s Name: ______________________
  • Date of Event: ______________________
  • Time of Event: ______________________
  • Location of Event: ______________________
  • Description of Near Miss Event: __________________________________________



  (Provide a detailed description of what happened, including events leading up to the near miss.)

  • Immediate Actions Taken: __________________________________________


  (Detail any immediate corrective actions taken at the time of the event.)

  • Identified Hazards: __________________________________________

  (List any hazards identified as a result of this near miss.)

  • Suggested Preventative Measures: __________________________________________


  (Suggest any preventative measures that could be taken to avoid similar incidents in the future.)

  • Photos/Documents Attached (Yes/No): ______________________
  • Signature of Reporter: ______________________
  • Signature of Supervisor/Manager: ______________________
  • Date: ______________________


This template can be customized to fit your organization’s specific needs and safety protocols. It is crucial for gathering insightful data that can lead to actionable safety improvements and foster a proactive safety culture.


Benefits of Near Miss Reporting

Near-miss reporting is a crucial component of workplace safety management, serving as an early warning system to prevent accidents before they occur. By documenting and analyzing near-miss incidents, organizations can identify and mitigate risks, fostering a culture of safety and vigilance. Implementing a robust near-miss reporting system has numerous and impactful benefits, contributing significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of operations.

Enhances Hazard Awareness

Near-miss reporting heightens awareness of potential hazards within the workplace. By documenting incidents that could have resulted in injury or damage but didn’t, employees become more aware of their surroundings and the potential risks involved in their daily tasks. This increased awareness encourages proactive behavior, enabling employees to recognize and report unsafe conditions before they lead to accidents.

Improves Safety Culture

Implementing a near-miss reporting system reinforces the importance of safety in the workplace, cultivating a culture where every employee feels responsible for reporting risks. It demonstrates management’s commitment to safety, encouraging open communication about safety concerns without fear of retribution. Over time, this leads to a more informed and safety-conscious workforce, where safety measures are respected and adhered to more diligently.

Prevents Future Accidents

The primary purpose of near-miss reporting is to prevent future accidents. By analyzing near-miss incidents, organizations can identify the root causes of potentially dangerous situations and implement corrective measures to prevent a recurrence. This proactive approach not only saves lives but also significantly reduces the cost associated with workplace accidents. It includes medical expenses, legal fees, and lost production time.

Facilitates Continuous Improvement

Near-miss reporting is a key tool for continuous improvement in safety protocols and procedures. It provides valuable data that can be used to refine current safety measures and develop new strategies for risk mitigation. Over time, this leads to significant advancements in the organization’s safety management system, ensuring that it remains dynamic and effective against evolving workplace hazards.

Strengthens Compliance with Safety Regulations

Consistent near-miss reporting helps organizations adhere to industry-specific safety standards and regulations. It demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a safe work environment and can be instrumental during audits and inspections. By systematically addressing and documenting near misses, companies can avoid fines and penalties associated with non-compliance while also reducing the likelihood of severe accidents that could lead to legal action.


Tips for Encouraging Near Miss Reporting

While near miss reporting provides several benefits, some employees are hesitant to report near misses due to fear of reprimanding. Here are some tips to encourage employees to report near misses:

Don’t Blame the Employees

The most apparent reason employees don’t report near misses is the fear of being blamed. Employees feel they will be held accountable for the incident, even though it didn’t result in any injuries or damage. Therefore, it’s important to create a near-miss reporting culture where employees don’t feel like they will be blamed for reporting an incident. Encourage employees to report near misses by reminding them that it’s a vital part of keeping the workplace safe. Let them know that near-miss reports will be used to improve the workplace, not to punish employees.

Make it Easy to Report Near Misses

Another reason why employees don’t report near misses is that the process is too complicated. If the near-miss reporting process is too cumbersome, employees are less likely to report incidents. Make it easy for employees to report near misses by creating a simple and straightforward near-miss reporting form. The form should be easily accessible and easy to fill out. Additionally, make sure that the near-miss reporting process is well-documented and communicated to all employees.

Reward Employees for Reporting Near Misses

One of the best ways to encourage near-miss reporting is to reward employees for their efforts. Employees who report near misses should be recognized and rewarded for their contribution to workplace safety. Rewards can take the form of verbal praise, bonuses, or even days off. Whatever form the reward takes, make sure that it motivates employees to report near misses.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What’s considered a near miss in the workplace?

A near miss in the workplace is any event that could have resulted in injury, illness, or damage but didn’t—thanks to timely intervention or sheer luck. It encompasses a range of incidents, from minor equipment malfunctions that could have caused harm to slip and trip hazards that are narrowly avoided.

Q2: How soon after a near miss should the report be submitted?

Near miss reports should be completed and submitted as soon as possible after the incident occurs, ideally within the same day. Prompt reporting ensures that the details of the near miss are accurately recorded and that any immediate hazards can be addressed quickly to prevent future accidents.

Q3: Who is responsible for filling out a Near Miss Report Form?

The individual who witnessed or was involved in the near-miss event is primarily responsible for completing the report. However, if they are unable to, a supervisor or another employee who is aware of the incident can fill out the form on their behalf.

Q4: Can a Near Miss Report lead to disciplinary action?

The primary goal of near-miss reporting is to enhance workplace safety, not to assign blame or administer discipline. The information provided in these reports is used to identify and mitigate hazards, not to penalize those involved in the near-miss incidents.

Q5: Is it necessary to attach photos or documents to a Near Miss Report Form?

Yes, attaching photos, documents, or any other relevant evidence to a Near Miss Report can greatly enhance the understanding of the incident. These attachments can provide visual proof of the conditions that led to the near miss and help in developing more effective preventive measures.

Q6: How are the suggestions for preventive measures in Near Miss Reports implemented?

Safety officers or management teams review preventive measures suggested in near-miss reports. If deemed viable, these suggestions can lead to changes in practices, policies, or even the physical work environment. The implementation process involves planning, executing the changes, and then monitoring to ensure these new measures are effective in preventing future incidents.


Streamline Near Miss Reporting with DATAMYTE

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you create custom Near Miss Report Forms that can be easily accessed and completed by employees on any device. With DATAMYTE, you can streamline the near-miss reporting process and collect data in real time, helping to prevent future incidents and fostering a culture of safety.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits (LPA), a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for near-miss reporting, LPA, and other quality management processes. Book a demo now to learn more about how our platform can help improve safety and quality in your workplace.



It’s better to report a near miss than to regret not doing so later. The initiative to report such incidents not only reflects a high level of responsibility and awareness but also fosters a proactive safety culture within the workplace. By making near-miss reporting a routine practice, organizations can significantly minimize the risks of accidents and injuries. This proactive approach ensures that all employees feel valued and safe, contributing to a more productive and positive work environment. The collective effort to report and address near misses can lead to substantial improvements in workplace safety standards, ensuring that everyone goes home safely at the end of the day.



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