A Comprehensive Guide to SMED: Essential Steps to Reduce Changeover Time

Reduce changeover time efficiently! Discover the key steps to streamline your operations with our comprehensive guide to SMED techniques.

Last Updated on April 22, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

In today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape, the demand for swift and efficient changeovers has never been more critical. This is where the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) system comes into play, revolutionizing the manner in which businesses approach equipment changeovers. SMED is designed to dramatically reduce the time it takes to complete equipment changeovers, thus significantly enhancing production efficiency and reducing downtime.

But what precisely is SMED, and how can it be effectively applied within your business operations? This article aims to uncover SMED, offering a detailed exploration of its principles, a step-by-step guide on implementing the SMED process across three crucial steps, and practical SMED examples to illuminate the path forward. Whether you’re new to SMED or looking to refine your existing processes, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary insights to leverage SMED to its full potential.


What is SMED?

SMED, or Single-Minute Exchange of Die, is a methodology aimed at reducing the time it takes to switch from one manufacturing process to another to under 10 minutes. The term “single-minute” doesn’t necessarily mean that all changeovers and setups can be completed in exactly one minute; rather, it emphasizes the goal of reducing such processes to a “single-digit” minute timeframe. Shigeo Shingo developed this concept in the 1950s and 1960s for Toyota’s automotive manufacturing facilities as part of their broader lean manufacturing system.

The essence of SMED lies in its ability to significantly lessen downtime associated with equipment changeovers, thereby increasing production capacity without the need for additional investments in machinery. By breaking down changeover activities into “internal” (performed while the equipment is stopped) and “external” (performed while the equipment is running) operations, SMED focuses on converting as many internal activities as possible into external ones, streamlining the overall process. This approach not only boosts operational efficiency but also contributes to a more agile production system capable of responding to customer demands with greater flexibility.


Benefits of SMED

The implementation of SMED across manufacturing operations yields a myriad of tangible benefits, directly contributing to heightened productivity and competitiveness in the market. These advantages span from cost savings to enhanced flexibility, each playing a pivotal role in the optimization of production processes. Below, we explore the key benefits of SMED, illustrating how each element contributes to a more efficient and dynamic manufacturing environment.

Smaller Lot Sizes

Adopting the SMED methodology allows manufacturers to reduce the minimum efficient lot size for production. This is primarily because the reduced setup times make smaller production runs more economically viable, thus minimizing inventory levels and associated costs. Smaller lot sizes also mean that production can be more closely aligned with actual customer demand, decreasing the risk of overproduction and reducing waste.

Lower Manufacturing Costs

SMED significantly lowers manufacturing costs by minimizing the time and resources spent on changeovers. By optimizing the changeover process, companies can ensure that machines spend more time producing goods rather than being idle, leading to a direct reduction in production costs. Additionally, the decrease in required labor for changeovers and the reduced need for large inventories contribute to further cost savings.

Standardized Changeover Procedures

Through the standardization of changeover procedures, SMED enhances operational consistency and reliability. Standardization minimizes variability in the changeover process, making it quicker, more predictable, and less prone to error. This consistent approach also makes it easier to train employees on changeover activities, further improving efficiency and safety across the board.

Better Responsiveness to Customer Demand

By facilitating smaller lot sizes and quicker changeovers, SMED dramatically improves a manufacturer’s ability to respond to changes in customer demand. This agility enables companies to adapt their production schedules with greater flexibility, reducing lead times and ensuring that customer needs are met more efficiently and effectively.

Increased Machine Work Rates

The core aim of SMED is to maximize the productive use of equipment by reducing downtime associated with changeovers. With faster changeovers, machines have higher work rates, thereby increasing the overall output of the production process. This uptick in productivity not only boosts the company’s capacity for fulfilling orders but also enhances its potential for capturing larger market shares through increased supply capabilities.


4 Steps to Implement SMED

A structured approach is required to successfully implement the SMED process and reap its full benefits. Beginning with the identification of a pilot area and distinguishing between internal and external components, the ultimate goal is to streamline and optimize every aspect of the changeover process. Below, we outline the essential steps that can guide a business through the successful implementation of the SMED methodology.

Step 1: Identify Pilot Area

An important aspect of choosing your pilot area involves empowering your workforce with the confidence and drive needed to enhance operational performance. Leveraging augmented reality (AR) technology can significantly streamline the more complex facets of manual changeovers. By utilizing AR, employees are presented with digital, step-by-step instructions through 3D visualizations that integrate seamlessly into their immediate workspaces. 

These intuitive, context-specific instructions facilitate greater comprehension among employees regarding the intricacies of the changeover process. Consequently, this heightened understanding not only minimizes mistakes but also markedly diminishes the likelihood of producing scrap or necessitating rework.

Step 2: Identify Internal and External Components

The next step involves separating changeover activities into internal components, which can only be performed when the machine or system is stopped, and external components, which can be carried out while the machine or system is running. This classification is crucial for understanding how each activity contributes to overall setup time and identifying opportunities for process improvement.

Internal Elements

Internal elements refer to the processes that must be completed while the equipment is stopped. These typically include:

  • Removing and installing parts or tooling
  • Adjusting equipment settings for the new setup
  • Conducting quality checks to confirm the equipment is ready for production
  • Cleaning the equipment, if necessary, for the new production run

External Elements

External elements are the processes that can be completed while the machinery is running. Prioritizing these tasks plays a pivotal role in minimizing downtime. Key external components include:

  • Preparing the next set of materials or parts for the upcoming run
  • Gathering and positioning the necessary tools and supplies for the changeover close to the equipment
  • Setting up instructions or standard operating procedures for the changeover
  • Pre-assembling parts or tooling to be installed during the next setup phase
  • Conducting preliminary quality control checks on parts or materials before the changeover starts

Step 3: Convert as Many Internal Components to External

Once internal and external components have been identified, the focus shifts to converting as many internal components into external ones as possible. This may involve pre-staging equipment, preparing materials in advance, or modifying equipment to make it adjustable while in operation. By doing so, the actual downtime needed for changeovers is minimized, significantly boosting production efficiency.

Step 4: Streamline Internal Elements

The final step is to streamline the remaining internal elements of the changeover process. This can involve simplifying setup procedures, employing quick-release mechanisms instead of traditional bolts and screws, and training staff to perform their tasks more efficiently. The aim is to reduce the complexity and time required for the internal components of changeovers, further decreasing setup times and enhancing production flow.


SMED Example

To illustrate the practical application of the SMED methodology, here’s a real-world example from a bottle manufacturing plant. This case study showcases how one manufacturing plant successfully implemented SMED to drastically reduce changeover times and significantly enhance production efficiency:


SMED Example: Implementing SMED in a Bottle Manufacturing Plant

Step 1: Identify Pilot Area

In a bottle manufacturing plant, the decision was made to choose the bottle labeling machine as the pilot area for implementing the SMED program. This machine was selected due to its high frequency of changeovers, which were required for different product runs and label designs. The initial analysis revealed that changeovers were taking an average of 45 minutes, significantly impacting overall production efficiency.

Step 2: Identify Internal and External Components

The team identified the following internal and external components specific to the bottle labeling machine’s changeover process:

Internal Elements

  • Changing the label reels for different product runs.
  • Adjusting the machine settings (speed, pressure, alignment) to accommodate different label sizes and types.
  • Performing test runs to ensure the labels are applied correctly without air bubbles or misalignment.

External Elements

  • Preparing the next label reels by ensuring they are the correct type and size for the upcoming run.
  • Setting up the necessary tools (scissors, alignment tools, cleaning materials) required for the changeover.
  • Reviewing and readying the standard operating procedures and quality checklists for the upcoming product run.

Step 3: Convert as Many Internal Components to External

To minimize changeover time, the company looked into ways to shift internal components to external where feasible. A significant improvement was made by pre-setting the machine adjustments for different label sizes and types using a computerized control panel, allowing operators to select preset configurations before the machine stopped. Additionally, label reels were prepared and quality checked before the end of the preceding run, ready to be switched instantly after the machine stopped.

Step 4: Streamline Internal Elements

To streamline the remaining internal elements, the team implemented several strategies:

  • Quick-release mechanisms were installed to facilitate faster label reel changes, eliminating the need for tools.
  • The machine was upgraded with an automatic alignment feature, reducing the need for manual adjustments.
  • Staff were trained on a set of best practices for quick changeovers, including efficient test run methodologies and rapid problem-solving techniques for common issues encountered during changeovers.


By implementing these steps, the bottle manufacturing plant reduced the label machine changeover time from 45 minutes to 15 minutes, significantly increasing machine uptime and overall production throughput. This example illustrates the power of the SMED system to transform operational efficiency and responsiveness in manufacturing environments.


Does Your Business Need SMED?

Now that you know what SMED is and what it stands for, it’s time to answer the most important question: Does your business need SMED? The answer depends on several factors, including the type of business you have, the type of equipment you use, and your specific business needs. 

If you’re unsure whether or not SMED is right for your business, we recommend contacting an SMED expert. They can help you assess your specific needs and determine whether or not SMED is the right solution for you. To determine whether or not your business needs SMED, here are a few questions that you need to ask yourself:

  • Do you have a solid system in place for measuring manufacturing performance data? If not, consider using DATAMYTE and its Digital Clipboard, a powerful workflow automation software built to create a connected factory and is used by industry leaders (more on us later).
  • Does the system measure Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)? OEE is a manufacturing performance metric that measures the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive. For example, an OEE score of 100% means that you are manufacturing only good parts at the maximum speed and with no downtime. 
  • Have you collected your systems’ manufacturing performance data for at least two weeks? Based on the data you acquired, what percentage of lost productive time comes from changeovers? To determine this, we recommend taking a closer look at the breakdown of the availability score, as this will give you a better idea of where the lost time is coming from.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What are the main challenges in implementing SMED in a manufacturing environment?

One of the main challenges is resistance to change, particularly from team members who are not convinced about the benefits of SMED. Additionally, identifying and converting internal to external setup tasks can be complex without a detailed understanding of each process. Lack of training and resources also often hinders successful implementation.

Q2: Can SMED be applied to non-manufacturing processes?

Absolutely. While originally developed for manufacturing, the principles of SMED can be applied to any process where reducing setup or changeover times is beneficial. This includes sectors like healthcare, where it can streamline patient room turnovers, and IT for faster deployment of software updates.

Q3: How does SMED affect production quality?

Properly implemented, SMED can enhance production quality by standardizing changeover procedures and minimizing the chances of errors during the setup process. Consistency in setup tasks ensures that production runs start correctly, reducing waste and the likelihood of defects.

Q4: What is the role of technology in SMED?

Technology plays a critical role in facilitating SMED, especially for automating the setup process, enhancing precision, and allowing for the pre-programming of equipment settings. Technologies such as digital workflow systems and IoT devices can also track changeover performance, identifying areas for further improvement.

Q5: How can smaller companies with limited resources implement SMED?

Smaller companies can start with simple steps, such as organizing tools and materials, documenting current setups, and training staff on basic SMED principles. Focus on small, incremental changes that do not require significant investment and use cross-functional teams to generate innovative solutions.

Q6: How do you measure the success of SMED?

Success is typically measured by the reduction in setup or changeover time, increased equipment availability, and improvements in overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Additionally, tracking the impact on production output, product quality, and response times to customer demands offers a comprehensive view of SMED’s effectiveness.


Streamline SMED with DATAMYTE

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you create custom checklists and workflows to support your SMED implementation. With the Digital Clipboard, you can easily collect data on changeover performance and analyze it in real time, identifying problem areas and tracking improvements over time.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits (LPA), a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for streamlining your SMED processes and improving operational efficiency and responsiveness. Book a demo now to learn more about how DATAMYTE can help you achieve your SMED goals.



There’s no denying that SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Dies) is an effective tool for reducing downtime and improving manufacturing agility. However, like with any process improvement initiative, it’s important to have a plan in place for measuring and tracking progress. The implementation of SMED not only streamlines operations but also enhances the flexibility and competitiveness of a business in today’s fast-paced market. By committing to continuous improvement and encouraging a culture of efficiency, companies can reap the full benefits of SMED. With these elements in place, businesses can effectively decrease changeover times, amplify their operational capacity, and secure a strong position in the market.



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