Guide To Nemawashi at Work: How To Gather and Analyze Useful Data with Consensus

Guide To Nemawashi at Work How To Gather and Analyze Useful Data with Consensus

Last Updated on September 3, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

In business, making decisions is a critical task. However, it can be difficult as so many factors can be considered. Sometimes, it’s hard to know who the best person is to make a decision. Making the wrong decision can have catastrophic implications. That’s why it’s important to gather and analyze data before making a decision. That’s where Nemawashi comes in. But what exactly is it, and should you incorporate it into your business operations? This guide will discuss how to use Nemawashi at work to gather and analyze useful data efficiently.


What is Nemawashi?

Nemawashi is a Japanese word that means “gathering of information.” It’s a simple consensus-building strategy that bases decisions on team consensus first. Using Nemawashi involves talking to individuals belonging to a group that’s tasked to make decisions or impact decisions made in an organization. 

This management system is vital to obtaining the buy-in of everyone involved, which is necessary to implement changes successfully. It’s a way of bringing ideas in from every level, from managers to cleaners. Nemawashi also ensures that people with the most knowledge about a process are included in decision-making. 

It helps make better decisions regarding ideas that require scrutiny. The process of Nemawashi also allows for a system of building consensus before the formal decision-making process begins. As a result, the team will make better decisions and improve communication within the company. 


Frequently Asked Questions About Nemawashi

At this point, you may already have an idea about what Nemawashi is; however, you may still have several questions on your mind. This section will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Nemawashi.


How is Nemawashi Used?

Nemawashi can be used in different ways, but its main purpose is gathering information and building consensus within a team. For example, it’s often used during problem-solving sessions or when a company wants to implement changes. You can ensure everyone is on board with the changes by involving everyone in the decision-making process.


Why is Nemawashi Important?

As one of the Toyota Production Systems’ 13 Pillars, Nemawashi is an important and effective strategy for building consensus when changes are made to current processes. It’s also a great decision-making tool when something new is introduced to your organization. 

Just imagine how an abrupt change can alter the dynamics within a team. Nemawashi allows everyone to voice their opinions and be part of the decision-making process. It also allows time for people to get used to the idea of change before it’s implemented. 


When is the Best Time to Use Nemawashi?

The best time to use Nemawashi is when there’s a need for change in your organization. It could be something as small as changing the office layout or something as big as implementing a new system. Whichever it is, using Nemawashi will help ensure that everyone is on the same page.


Nemawashi vs. Lobbying: What’s the Difference?

Lobbying is often confused with Nemawashi, but there’s actually a big difference between the two. Lobbying is when an individual or group tries to influence the decisions of another individual or group. On the other hand, Nemawashi is a way of gathering information from everyone involved in the decision-making process. 

Lobbying is often seen as manipulative, while It is seen as a more dynamic way of discussing the challenges and merits of a potential change. In addition, lobbying is usually done by a few people, while Nemawashi involves everyone. 


Benefits of Nemawashi

Several benefits come with using Nemawashi. Here are some of them:


Better Decision-Making

By incorporating Nemawashi at work, you’re allowing everyone to have a say in decision-making. This leads to better decisions because all voices are heard and considered.


Improved Communication

Nemawashi also helps improve communication within an organization. Everyone involved in the decision-making process leads to better understanding and collaboration among team members.


Builds Consensus

Another benefit of Nemawashi is that it helps build consensus within a team. When everyone has a say in the decision-making process, it’s more likely that they’ll be on board with the changes. This leads to less resistance and more support for the changes being implemented.


How to Apply Nemawashi at Work

Now that you know what Nemawashi is and why it’s important, it’s time to learn how you can apply it in your workplace. Follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Initiate a discussion between the one proposing the change, the member of the decision-making team, or people who can influence the decision or will be affected by the change.
  2. Present a proposal and test for consensus.
  3. Once you achieve a consensus, proceed with laying down the action points, one of two potential conclusions for the consensus flowchart.
  4. Review and update the proposal if you don’t achieve a consensus due to blocks or other hindrances. You can also create a new one that considers the concerns.
  5. Continue holding discussions with your team until a consensus is achieved or if the proposal is scrapped and replaced with an even better one that’s improved through previous discussions.
  6. It can be conducted in a formal and informal setting. The consensus flowchart will provide a solid framework for how It can be done at work.


Implement Nemawashi at Work with DATAMYTE

Conducting Nemawashi means that you intend to build consensus and be able to improve the proposal or idea before its implementation. DATAMYTE and its Digital Clipboard is a powerful tool that can help you make sure that pertinent information is gathered and analyzed to build support for proposals when doing Nemawashi

With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you can create workflows, checklists, forms, and other tools that can help you gather data more efficiently. You can also use it to track progress and ensure everyone is on the same page. Nemawashi at work can be a challenge, but with DATAMYTE, you can overcome it and build consensus within your team through the convenience of automation.

Book a demo with us today if you want to learn more about how DATAMYTE can help you with Nemawashi at work. We’ll show you how our software can help you gather and analyze data more effectively.



Nemawashi is a great way to gather information and build consensus within a team. It’s an important strategy for making organizational changes, and it has several benefits that make it worth using. So if you’re ever faced with the need to make changes in your company, don’t forget to use Nemawashi!



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