Last Updated on March 25, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

When you’re working in a laboratory, there are several practices you should follow to ensure the safety and quality of your work. These practices are commonly referred to as Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). GLP is a vital aspect of pharmaceutical research. These principles ensure the safety, quality, and organization of research. 

Complying with any regulations set by government agencies, internal company procedures, and international regulations requires each member of a team to perform their duties and set quality assurance standards. This article will discuss good lab practices and highlight some of the most common examples. By following good lab practices, you can ensure the safety of yourself, your colleagues, and the quality of your work.


What is Good Laboratory Practice?

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), also known as Safe Lab Practices (SLP), is a quality system that applies to the organizational process and conditions under which laboratory studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, reported, and archived. GLP covers all aspects of research that generate data for assessing the safety of chemicals and pharmaceuticals (including cosmetics).

The good laboratory practice regulations were first published in 1978 by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21, Part 58. GLP regulations in other countries have since been modeled after the FDA’s good laboratory practice regulations.

By following GLP, scientists and researchers can ensure that the data generated are reliable, consistent, and accurate. GLP also ensures that studies are conducted in a way that protects human health and the environment. The principles of good laboratory practice provide guidelines for managing data, testing procedures, equipment calibration and maintenance, documentation of experimental protocols, reporting criteria, and quality assurance. 


GMP Vs. GLP: What’s the Difference?

While both Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) are critical components in the regulatory environment, their focus and application areas differentiate significantly. Both ensure the quality and safety of products, but GMPs are primarily concerned with the manufacturing process, while GLPs focus on the research and development process.

GMPs are regulations that guide the manufacturing processes of drugs, medical devices, food, and cosmetics to ensure that these products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. GMPs cover all aspects of production, from the raw materials, premises, and equipment to the training and hygiene of staff. The primary aim of GMP is to minimize the risks involved in production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product. Ensuring products are made to a consistent quality appropriate for their intended use and as required by the marketing authorization or product specification is the heart of GMP.

On the other hand, GLPs specifically focus on the non-clinical phases of research and development processes. They establish a framework within which laboratory studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, archived, and reported. GLPs aim to ensure the quality, integrity, and reliability of the safety data generated, particularly concerning the assessment of the safety of chemicals and pharmaceuticals for human, animal, or environmental health. They are in place to make sure that when studies are presented to regulators, the data accurately reflect the results of the studies and can be traced back to the original data should it be necessary.


Is GLP Compliance Required?

When it comes to GLP compliance, there are studies or activities that either require or do not require adherence to these guidelines. It’s crucial to distinguish between them to ensure both regulatory compliance and the integrity of scientific work. The following are some examples of activities that require and do not require GLP compliance:

GLP Compliance Required

GLP Compliance Not Required


Definition of GLP Terminology

Understanding the terminology specific to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) is essential for anyone involved in scientific research or regulatory compliance. These terms set the foundation for clear communication and adherence to GLP standards. Here, we will define some of the critical terminology used in GLP environments.


Good Laboratory Practice Guidelines

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Guidelines are a set of principles aimed at ensuring the quality and integrity of non-clinical laboratory studies, which are critical in assessing the safety of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. These guidelines cover the systematic process of planning, performing, monitoring, recording, and reporting of studies. Adhering to GLP standards not only ensures scientific reliability but also regulatory compliance across various industries:


The essence of ensuring accurate and reliable laboratory outcomes in compliance with GLP starts with personnel management. Before the initiation of any study, the testing facility manager must appoint a study director. This individual holds the crucial responsibility for the overall conduct of the study, ensuring each phase aligns with GLP standards. The study director is the central figure in the study’s execution, serving as the pivotal communications link among all involved components—making ultimate decisions and ensuring the study’s integrity.

In addition to the appointment of a study director, the establishment of a Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) is mandatory. The QAU operates independently from the rest of the testing facility, ensuring its objectivity in overseeing the internal processes to verify compliance with GLP guidelines. This separation from the operational management ensures that the QAU can objectively monitor all study activities and maintain the integrity of the data produced. The QAU’s role encompasses reviewing study plans, observing critical study phases, and ensuring accurate and complete study documentation—solidifying them as a cornerstone of maintaining GLP integrity.

Study Facilities and Equipment

An essential principle of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is the meticulous organization and management of the testing facility to avoid any interference or disturbances that could compromise the integrity of a study. This is achieved by ensuring a clear separation of activities within the facility. Specifically, the facility should have designated separate areas for several critical processes:


Furthermore, the integrity of a study under GLP guidelines is also upheld through the meticulous calibration and maintenance of all equipment used. This involves:


By adhering to these principles regarding the separation of activities and the rigorous maintenance of equipment, a testing facility can significantly mitigate risks of interference in the study, thereby preserving the integrity of the data generated.

Characterization of Test and Control Articles

An integral element of adhering to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) involves a detailed characterization of both test and control articles used in studies. This ensures that all personnel involved in the study are precisely informed and aware of the essential characteristics of these items, thereby aiding in the accuracy and reliability of the study’s outcomes. The following key details about each test and control article should be diligently documented and made readily available to all pertinent personnel:


By thoroughly documenting these details for each test and control article, personnel involved in GLP-compliant studies can ensure the traceability, reliability, and integrity of the study results, maintaining the highest standards of scientific and regulatory compliance.

Study Plan or Protocol

The study plan or protocol acts as the foundational guidance document for the execution of a study, laying out specific directives on how the research should be conducted. This document meticulously outlines the general time schedule for the study and its individual phases, ensuring that each stage of the study is performed within the allocated time frame. Additionally, the protocol provides detailed descriptions of the methods and materials to be utilized, ensuring consistency and reliability in the study’s execution.

The development and approval process of the study plan or protocol is a crucial step in the study’s inception. It begins with the study director drafting the protocol and then engaging in thorough discussions regarding its content with personnel and other key study staff. This collaborative review process ensures the protocol’s comprehensiveness and feasibility. 

Following these discussions, the study director formally approves the protocol by affixing a dated signature, signifying that the document meets all necessary criteria and guidelines.

After receiving the study director’s approval, the protocol undergoes a critical review by the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU). The QAU evaluates the protocol’s adherence to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards, ensuring that all stipulated procedures align with regulatory requirements and scientific best practices. Upon clearing this review, the protocol serves as a binding document guiding the conduct of the study.

Subsequently, all personnel involved in the study are briefed on their specific responsibilities as outlined in the protocol. This includes receiving instructions on the execution of tasks assigned to them and being provided with individual copies of the protocol for reference. This ensures that every member of the study team is thoroughly acquainted with the study objectives and procedures and their role in achieving accurate and reliable results and maintaining the highest standards of research integrity and regulatory compliance.

Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) serve as a critical component of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), particularly within the distinct areas of a testing facility dedicated to different phases of research and analysis. SOPs are meticulously developed documents that delineate the step-by-step processes necessary for the proper execution of routine and non-routine procedures, ensuring consistency, reliability, and compliance with GLP standards across all operational aspects of a study.

Each separate area within the testing facility must establish and adhere to its specific SOPs, especially for routine procedures that significantly impact the study’s conduct and integrity. These SOPs undergo a rigorous approval process, requiring the endorsement of the testing facility manager, who verifies their alignment with both internal standards and regulatory guidelines.

Any deviations from the established SOPs are treated with utmost seriousness, requiring explicit authorization from the study director. This ensures that any alterations to standard procedures are documented, justified, and aligned with the study’s overarching goals and regulatory requirements. Such meticulous oversight of SOP adherence and deviation authorization plays a crucial role in maintaining the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of the study results, embodying the essence of GLP compliance.

Final Report

The culmination of a Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)–compliant study is encapsulated in the Final Report, a document that embodies the essence of transparency, integrity, and scientific accuracy. This crucial report falls under the direct responsibility of the Study Director, who not only prepares but also rigorously reviews and approves this comprehensive document. The Final Report serves as an authoritative record of the study, encapsulating essential facets such as:


The integrity of the Final Report is paramount. It should reflect the study’s findings regarding adherence to high standards of quality and regulatory compliance throughout the research process.

Storage of Records

Throughout the duration of the study, the Study Director plays a crucial role in guaranteeing that all data related to the study is accurately captured and incorporated into records that are securely stored. These comprehensive records include critical documents such as the study protocol, the final report, and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). At the conclusion of the study, these documents are systematically archived, ensuring their preservation and integrity long after the research activities have ceased.

Access to the archived records is strictly regulated and permissible only to personnel explicitly authorized by the Testing Facility Manager. This stringent control mechanism safeguards sensitive information and maintains the confidentiality and integrity of the study data. Furthermore, an essential aspect of managing the archive is the meticulous logging of any activity involving the records, including instances when documents are accessed, removed from, or returned to the archives. Such detailed record-keeping ensures traceability and accountability in the handling of study documents.

For efficient management and retrieval of archived documents, it is highly recommended to index the records within the archive. An organized indexing system facilitates quick access to specific documents or data, significantly enhancing the utility of the archive for future reference or review. This practice not only promotes operational efficiency but also aids in upholding the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) by ensuring that all relevant study information is preserved, accessible, and managed with the highest standards of care and security.


Good Laboratory Practice Examples

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) encompasses a set of principles intended to ensure the quality and integrity of non-clinical laboratory studies used in the safety and effectiveness testing of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. These practices are crucial for generating reliable and reproducible data, underpinning regulatory decisions regarding human and environmental safety. Below, we explore examples of GLP in action, illustrating the principles that guide these practices and their application in real-world scenarios.


These examples illustrate the application of GLP principles across various aspects of laboratory operations, underlining the comprehensive approach taken to ensure the integrity, reliability, and regulatory compliance of non-clinical safety and effectiveness studies.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What are the benefits of implementing Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)?

Implementing GLP ensures the uniformity, consistency, reliability, reproducibility, quality, and integrity of chemical non-clinical safety tests; it also facilitates regulatory evaluation and recognition of study data globally.

Q2: How does GLP differ from Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)?

While GLP governs the process and conditions under which non-clinical laboratory studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, and reported, GMP focuses on the manufacturing process, ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled to quality standards.

Q3: Is GLP certification or accreditation required for all laboratories?

GLP certification is not mandatory for all laboratories. However, for those conducting non-clinical safety studies that support regulatory submissions, GLP compliance is typically a regulatory requirement to ensure data credibility.

Q4: Can GLP principles be applied to clinical studies?

GLP principles are primarily designed for non-clinical (preclinical) laboratory studies. Clinical studies involving human participants are governed by Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, which share the same underlying principles of quality and integrity.

Q5: What role does the Quality Assurance (QA) unit play in GLP compliance?

The QA unit is responsible for monitoring study conduct and facility operations to ensure compliance with GLP standards. They perform audits, inspect procedures, and review documentation to verify that studies are carried out according to GLP requirements.

Q6: How should discrepancies or deviations from GLP standards be handled?

Deviations from GLP standards should be documented, thoroughly investigated, and reported to management. Corrective actions must be implemented to address the root cause of the deviation, and measures should be taken to prevent recurrence.


Implement Good Laboratory Practice with DATAMYTE

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you create custom forms, checklists, and standard instructions that guide users through the GLP process step-by-step.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits, a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for implementing GLP principles and maintaining regulatory compliance. Our platform is designed to help your organization uphold the highest standards of quality, integrity, and reliability in non-clinical laboratory operations. Book a demo now to learn more.



Adhering to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is not just a regulatory obligation for laboratories conducting non-clinical studies; it’s a foundational aspect of scientific research that ensures the credibility and reproducibility of data. From meticulous record-keeping and stringent quality assurance measures to the comprehensive training of personnel, GLP principles guide laboratories in establishing operations that uphold the highest standards of integrity, quality, and reliability.

By embedding these practices into every facet of laboratory operations, organizations can guarantee that their findings are recognized and respected on a global scale, paving the way for advancements in safety and effectiveness across various fields. Whether through internal protocols or leveraging advanced platforms to streamline compliance, commitment to GLP is a demonstration of dedication to excellence in scientific endeavors.



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