Guide To Heijunka: Reducing Unevenness in the Production Process

Guide To Heijunka Reducing Unevenness in the Production Process

Last Updated on September 20, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

Uneven production processes can be a huge problem for companies that maintain a smooth workflow. This is where Heijunka comes in. Heijunka is a Japanese word that means “leveling.” It is a method for reducing unevenness and creating a more consistent flow in the production process. In this guide, we will discuss what Heijunka is, how it works, and ways you can implement it into your own business.


What is Heijunka?

Heijunka is a lean manufacturing tool that helps level production and creates a more consistent workflow. It is often used with lean tools, such as Kanban and Just-in-Time (JIT) production. Heijunka works by breaking down the overall production process into smaller, more manageable tasks.

With Heijunka, businesses can better control their production process and avoid bottlenecks. It also helps to create a more efficient workflow by reducing waste and increasing productivity. In short, Heijunka is an essential tool for any business looking to improve its production process.

There are two types of Heijunka: product Heijunka and process Heijunka. Product Heijunka levels out the types of products being produced, while process Heijunka levels out the production process itself. In most cases, a combination of product and process Heijunka is used to achieve the desired results.


How Does Heijunka Work?

Heijunka works by breaking down the overall production process into smaller, more manageable tasks. This helps to level out production and create a more consistent workflow.

For example, you run a manufacturing business that produces widgets. Your widget-making process might look something like this:

  • Create widget blueprint
  • Order widget parts
  • Assemble widget
  • Test widget
  • Ship widget

With Heijunka, you would break down this process into smaller tasks and then level out the production of these tasks. So, instead of always creating widgets from start to finish, you would create a mix of different products at different stages of the manufacturing process. This would help to avoid bottlenecks and create a more even workflow.


Ways to Implement Heijunka

There are many different ways to implement Heijunka into your business. The best way to do this is to assess your production process and see where Heijunka can benefit most.

Once you understand how Heijunka works, you can start to implement it into your own business. Methods for implementing Heijunka include:

  • Use Heijunka boards: Heijunka boards are a great way to visualize the production process and see where Heijunka can be of the most benefit.
  • Create a Heijunka schedule: A Heijunka schedule can help you to level out production and create a more consistent workflow.
  • Use Heijunka tags: Heijunka tags are a great way to track which products need to be produced and in what order.
  • Use Heijunka software: There are several different software packages available that can help you to implement Heijunka into your business.


Advantages of Implementing Heijunke

There are many advantages to implementing Heijunka into your business. These include:


Reducing Unevenness in the Production Process

With Heijunka, businesses can better control their production process and avoid bottlenecks. It also helps to create a more efficient workflow by reducing waste and increasing productivity. In short, Heijunka is an essential tool for any business looking to improve its production process.


Waste Reduction

Heijunka helps reduce waste in the production process by leveling production and creating a more consistent workflow. This helps to avoid bottlenecks and reduce the amount of waste produced.


Improved Productivity

Heijunka can also help to improve productivity by creating a more efficient workflow. This is because it helps to reduce waste and increase the overall efficiency of the production process.


Improved Quality

Heijunka also helps improve the quality of products by ensuring that they are produced more consistently. This helps to avoid errors and ensure that products meet the highest quality standards.


Improved Customer Satisfaction

Finally, Heijunka can also help improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that products are produced promptly and efficiently. This helps to avoid delays and ensures that customers receive their products when they expect them.


Apply the Heijunka Method with DATAMYTE

The Heijunka is largely dependent on customer demands and product inventory. However, performing paper-based product stock inventory can be a hassle as it can be easy to lose track of product count. With DATAMYTE, you can create an effective inventory management workflow that’s purely digital and can help with all of your Heijunka needs. 

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a workflow automation software that can help you:

  • Create workflows centered around heijunka
  • Customize Heijunka workflows to your business’s needs
  • Create digital checklists to streamline heijunka
  • Analyze your Heijunka workflows to improve efficiency
  • Create Heijunka-specific reports

If you’re looking to implement Heijunka in your business or want to learn more about how DATAMYTE can help, schedule a demo with us today. We’ll be more than willing to show you how the DataMyte Digital Clipboard can help implement Heijunka in your workplace.



Heijunka is a potent tool for reducing unevenness in the production process and creating a more efficient workflow. Implementing this lean method in your business can result in increased productivity, waste reduction, and improved quality. Get started with Heijunka today by utilizing DATAMYTE’s software to create Heijunka-specific workflows.



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