A Comprehensive Guide to Kamishibai Boards: Visualizing Production the Lean Way

Boost productivity effortlessly! Click here to discover the power of Kamishibai Boards with our comprehensive guide to Lean Manufacturing.

Last Updated on January 30, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

Manufacturing businesses are responsible for ensuring their products are safe and of the highest quality. To do this, they need to implement a system of audits covering every step of the production process. Many manufacturers are turning to kamishibai boards to help them track their operations. Kamishibai boards are visual aids that help workers see how to perform their tasks. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what kamishibai boards are and how they can help your business succeed!


What Are Kamishibai Boards?

Kamishibai boards are a lean manufacturing tool that visualizes data to help workers see and understand their tasks. The boards are named after the Japanese word for “paper theater.” Kamishibai boards originated in Japan to help workers at the Toyota Motor Corporation understand their tasks.

Not only do Kamishibai Boards enable supervisors to confirm and verify the successful execution of given activities, but they also improve the standards in the production process. In addition, this tool ensures frequent and consistent audits, which leads to fewer compliance-related issues.


How Do Kamishibai Boards Work?

Kamishibai boards are a visual control system to manage tasks and ensure standard work processes are followed. They are commonly used in areas where tasks need to be routinely checked and where maintaining a high level of compliance is crucial. The board itself is made up of slots or pockets that hold cards. Each card represents a specific task or check that needs to be performed, detailing the task’s what, when, how, and by whom.

To work effectively, the cards are color-coded—usually green on one side and red on the other. When a task is due, the card is displayed green-side up; once the task is completed, the card is flipped to show the red side, indicating completion. This simple yet powerful tool enables team members to see at a glance which tasks have been done and which are still pending, ensuring nothing is overlooked and promoting a cycle of continuous improvement and accountability within teams.


Benefits of Using Kamishibai Boards

Manufacturers that install kamishibai boards in their factories can enjoy several benefits, including:

  • Reduced compliance issues: Kamishibai boards help ensure that production processes are regularly audited. This helps to identify and correct problems before they result in safety hazards or quality defects.
  • Detects variations in a timely manner: By visualizing data, kamishibai boards help workers quickly see when there are variations in the production process. This helps prevent problems before they even happen.
  • Identify and correct issues quickly: Kamishibai boards help workers identify and correct issues quickly. This helps to improve productivity and prevent disruptions in the production process.
  • Improved communication: Kamishibai boards improve communication between workers and supervisors. This helps ensure that tasks are executed according to stipulated guidelines.
  • Increased productivity: Kamishibai boards help workers understand their tasks and what needs to be done. This can lead to increased productivity as workers can work more efficiently.


Various Uses of Kamishibai Boards in Production

Manufacturing businesses incorporate Kamishibai Boards within their production plant in various ways. The different uses include the following:

Audit Vital Production Processes After Regular Time Intervals

Manufacturers need their production processes to work correctly and efficiently to ensure the quality of the products they send and sell to their customers. Incorporating Kamishibai Boards is one way of ensuring that critical processes are audited at regular intervals. In addition, the boards help identify areas where improvements need to be made to take corrective actions.

Track the Progress of Each Work Order

Kamishibai Boards can also be used to track the progress of each work order. This helps to ensure that each task is being completed in a timely manner and that there are no disruptions in the production process.

Monitor the Status of Inventories

Kamishibai Boards can also be used to monitor the status of inventories. This helps to ensure that stocks are being replenished in a timely manner and that there are no disruptions in the production process.

Carry Out Preventive Maintenance

It can also be used to carry out preventive maintenance. This helps to ensure that equipment failures do not disrupt the production process. At the same time, it also helps improve the production process’s overall efficiency.


How to Implement Kamishibai Boards

Implementing kamishibai boards into a manufacturing process begins with a strategic plan that equips workers with the necessary tools to carry out their tasks efficiently. It requires an understanding of the workflow to tailor the Kamishibai board effectively to fit the unique needs of the production line. This adoption is a cornerstone for cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and maintaining high quality and compliance standards.

Step 1: Analyze and Identify Key Processes

Begin by analyzing your existing processes to identify which procedures would most benefit from regular checks and audits. Consider where mistakes are common or where process compliance is critical. These will be areas where Kamishibai boards will likely have the greatest impact.

Step 2: Design the Kamishibai Board Layout

Design your kamishibai board, considering the size, number of tasks, frequency of checks, and available space. Determine the color-coding system (e.g., green for ‘to do’ and red for ‘done’) and create the cards, including clear, concise instructions for each task.

Step 3: Train Your Team

Educate your team on the purpose and benefits of kamishibai boards and how to use them. Ensure they understand how the board operates and the importance of maintaining the board for productivity and compliance.

Step 4: Implement a Pilot Program

Choose a small section of your production line to test the kamishibai board. Monitor its use closely and gather feedback from workers to identify any issues with the current system and areas for improvement.

Step 5: Review and Refine

After a trial period, review the effectiveness of the kamishibai board in the pilot area. Make necessary adjustments to the process or the board based on the feedback and results from this initial implementation.

Step 6: Full-Scale Rollout

Once refined, roll out the kamishibai board process across all applicable production line areas, using the insights gained from the pilot to inform the broader implementation. Make sure to regularly review and update the boards as processes and tasks evolve over time.

Step 7: Regular Review and Continuous Improvement

Regularly review the effectiveness of your Kamishibai board system and seek opportunities for continuous improvement. Encourage ongoing feedback from team members and make adjustments to ensure the system remains effective and relevant.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What information is on Kamishibai Boards?

To ensure complete process integrity, Kamishibai boards typically display pertinent information that addresses the 5W1H—Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Specifically, they detail:

  • Who is responsible for the task or audit, clarifying accountability within the team?
  • What tasks need to be performed or which processes need to be checked, providing clear directives.
  • Where the specific task or check is to occur within the production environment.
  • When the task should be completed or the audit conducted, helping to maintain schedule adherence.
  • Why the task or audit is essential, emphasizing its importance in the overall production process for quality and compliance.
  • How the task should be executed, ensuring consistency and accuracy of the specific process being audited or managed.


By establishing these elements visibly on the kamishibai board, all team members are aware of their responsibilities and the critical checkpoints, fostering a culture of discipline and continuous improvement.

Q2: Where is the Kamishibai Board located?

Kamishibai Boards are strategically positioned at or very near the workplace to ensure they are easily accessible and seen by those who require the information. This proximity ensures team members have a consistent visual cue to engage with the board several times throughout their shift. By being within the line of sight, these boards serve as a constant, tangible reminder of ongoing tasks and responsibilities, thus enhancing the likelihood that checks and tasks are performed routinely and with adherence to quality standards.

Q3: Where did Kamishibai Boards originate?

The origin of Kamishibai boards is closely linked with Japanese management techniques, but it might surprise some that their history is not solely entrenched within the manufacturing sphere. While those familiar with the Toyota Production System and other Lean Six Sigma approaches, like Kaizen, might assume that the Kamishibai process was developed alongside other Lean concepts in the mid-twentieth century, its roots date back to the 1920s. Initially, Kamishibai served as a street theater and storytelling in Japan, where a narrator would present a series of pictures to an audience while telling a story. The term “kamishibai” means “paper play” or “paper drama” in Japanese.

Over time, this concept of visual storytelling was adapted into the context of the business process. It aligned perfectly with Lean principles due to its emphasis on visual cues and clarity of tasks and responsibilities. Today, kamishibai boards have been absorbed into the lexicon of Lean tools. They are integral to sustaining workflow, adherence to quality, and driving a culture of continuous improvement in various industries beyond their narrative roots.

Q4: Can I use Kamishibai boards for non-manufacturing processes?

Yes, it can be used in any process that involves regular checks or tasks. They are especially useful in industries that require strict adherence to quality standards and compliance regulations, such as healthcare, food production, and transportation. These boards can also be adapted for office-based processes, such as project management or HR tasks, to ensure efficient and timely completion of critical tasks.

Q5: How can I ensure the sustainability of the Kamishibai Board process?

Sustainability is a key factor in any process improvement initiative. To ensure the Kamishibai board process remains effective and relevant over time, it is crucial to regularly review its effectiveness and continuously seek opportunities for improvement. This can be achieved by consistently gathering feedback from team members, making necessary adjustments to the boards and processes, and encouraging a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.

Q6: Are there any software or digital alternatives to Kamishibai Boards?

While the traditional kamishibai board is a physical, visual tool, various digital and software-based options are available for those seeking alternatives. These electronic boards can offer additional features such as real-time updates, data collection capabilities, and remote access. However, it is essential to consider your organization’s specific needs and processes when choosing the most suitable option, as sometimes traditional methods like physical kamishibai boards may be the most effective solution. Overall, the key is to choose a tool that aligns with your goals and objectives for process improvement and sustainability.


Create Digital Kamishibai Boards with DATAMYTE

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you quickly digitize your kamishibai board with the same visual, user-friendly experience while enabling you to customize and enhance it with digital features.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits, a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps. This audit focuses on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for managing your Kamishibai board process and conducting thorough audits to ensure sustainability and continuous improvement. So why stick with paper-based boards when you can streamline and enhance your processes with digital tools? Contact us today to learn more about how DATAMYTE can help improve your quality management processes.



The kamishibai board is a powerful and versatile tool in a multitude of environments, far extending its original usage for storytelling. With its roots in enhancing narrative clarity, it has evolved to bring the same level of clear communication and visual management to various processes within different industries.

Whether through traditional, hands-on boards or modern digital solutions, the principles of the kamishibai process remain constant: visibility, consistency, and a lean approach to continuous improvement. Embracing the Kamishibai board within your organization can lead to significant strides in quality control, efficiency, and team accountability, paving the way for a culture of excellence in any operational context.



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