Last Updated on February 6, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

As an Airbnb host, it’s important to ensure your guests have a positive experience and don’t complain about the cleanliness of your accommodation. A thorough and quick changeover is key to avoiding any headaches. The best tool for this job is a comprehensive Airbnb cleaning checklist!

But what items should you include in your Airbnb cleaning checklist? What will make your guests happy and give you the best reviews? This article will show you seven things that should be included in your Airbnb cleaning checklist. This will help ensure your guests have a great experience and give you glowing reviews!


What is an Airbnb Cleaning Checklist?

An Airbnb Cleaning Checklist is a detailed to-do list specifically designed for cleaning and preparing a rental property before and after guests’ stay. It ensures that every area of the accommodation is addressed, promoting a consistent and high standard of cleanliness. This checklist typically includes tasks such as laundering linens, disinfecting surfaces, restocking essentials, and more. By adhering to a structured checklist, Airbnb hosts can deliver an impeccable space for their guests every single time, reducing the chances for negative feedback on the cleanliness of their listings.


Why is an Airbnb Cleaning Checklist Important?

An Airbnb Cleaning Checklist is vital for hosts who wish to maintain a high standard of hygiene, which is the cornerstone of guest satisfaction. Prioritizing cleanliness enhances the guest experience and upholds the host’s reputation and the listing. A clean space reduces the risk of negative reviews related to cleanliness, which can significantly impact future bookings.

Moreover, a checklist helps ensure no cleaning task is overlooked, creating a safe and inviting environment for every guest. It serves as a crucial measure to meet and exceed the expectations of guests, who increasingly value cleanliness as a deciding factor in their accommodation choices. By using a checklist, hosts can streamline their cleaning process and ensure consistency in the quality of their listings.


Benefits of Using an Airbnb Cleaning Checklist

The implementation of an Airbnb Cleaning Checklist brings with it measurable benefits that can significantly enhance both guest satisfaction and host efficiency. Hosts can expect a lot of positive feedback from their guests by creating a structured and systematic approach to preparing the property. Here are five notable advantages of utilizing such a list:


What to Include In an Airbnb Cleaning Checklist?

Creating an effective Airbnb Cleaning Checklist is crucial for maintaining the excellence of your rental. It’s the blueprint for turning over your property flawlessly to welcome each new set of guests. This list should encompass every essential task, from the smallest detail to the most noticeable aspects of cleanliness, ensuring your guests feel confident and comfortable in choosing your place for their stay. Here are seven things that should be included in your Airbnb Cleaning Checklist:


The bathroom is one of the most essential spaces in the house and should be given special attention when cleaning. Be sure to include the following in your Airbnb cleaning checklist:


The bedrooms are another important area of the house that needs attention when cleaning. Be sure to include the following in your Airbnb cleaning checklist:


The kitchen is where you’ll prepare meals for your family and guests, so it’s important to ensure it’s clean and presentable. Include the following items in your Airbnb cleaning checklist:

Exterior of Property

The outdoor area of your property is the first thing guests will see when they arrive, so it’s essential to make a good impression. Include the following items in your Airbnb cleaning checklist:

Living/Family room

The living or family room is typically one of the busiest areas in the house and should be given attention when cleaning. Include the following items in your Airbnb cleaning checklist:

Laundry/Utility Room

The laundry or utility room is where guests will do laundry during their stay. Include the following items in your Airbnb cleaning checklist:


Restock the following if necessary:


Tips to Maximize Efficiency with Your Cleaning Checklist

Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness in a rental property is paramount for ensuring guest satisfaction and fostering repeat business. An effective cleaning checklist is not just about what to clean; it also encompasses how to clean efficiently, saving time and resources while maintaining quality. Below are six key tips that can help optimize your cleaning process, making every turnover smoother and more systematic.

Prioritize Cleaning Tasks

First, focus on high-traffic and high-touch areas that demand attention due to frequent use. These spots, like bathrooms and kitchens, should be spotless to enhance the guest’s experience. Prioritizing these tasks will ensure a clean and welcoming environment for everyone.

Implement a Top-Down Approach

To prevent the need to re-clean surfaces, thoroughly clean each room from top to bottom. Begin by dusting ceiling fans and light fixtures, ensuring they reach all corners and crevices. Next, move on to cleaning furniture, wiping down all surfaces, and removing any stains or spills. Finally, focus on the floors, sweeping or vacuuming to capture any dirt or debris that may have fallen. By following this comprehensive cleaning process, you can ensure a truly pristine living space.

Use Quality Cleaning Supplies

Investing in high-quality cleaning supplies is crucial for effectively disinfecting and tackling tough stains. By choosing reliable products, you can significantly reduce the effort and time required for scrubbing and repeating tasks. Moreover, these supplies guarantee a thorough cleaning, leaving your space spotless and sanitized.

Streamline Your Supplies

To effectively streamline your cleaning routine, keeping all your cleaning materials in a portable caddy is helpful. This way, you can easily move between rooms without making unnecessary trips back and forth. Not only does this save you valuable time, but it also helps you stay organized and ensures that no task goes overlooked. With everything at your fingertips, you can tackle each cleaning task efficiently and effectively.

Schedule Regular Deep Cleanings

To maintain the overall cleanliness of the property and reduce the time spent during regular cleanings, it is recommended to schedule a deep clean periodically. This will ensure that areas not covered in the regular turnover cleaning are thoroughly addressed. Paying attention to these often neglected areas can enhance your property’s overall cleanliness and hygiene.

Incorporate Feedback

Encourage and actively seek guest feedback regarding cleanliness to maintain high standards. Pay close attention to their experiences and adapt your checklist accordingly. This continuous improvement ensures that no detail is missed, ultimately enhancing the enjoyment of future guests. By implementing feedback, you can ensure that your cleaning checklist is always up-to-date and effectively meeting guest expectations.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How often should I perform a deep clean of my Airbnb property?

It’s recommended to perform a deep clean of your Airbnb property at least once every quarter to ensure that all areas, including those not covered in regular cleanings, are thoroughly cleaned and maintained.

Q2: Can I charge guests for cleaning services?

Yes, Airbnb hosts can charge a cleaning fee to cover the cost of cleaning their properties. The pricing details should include this fee before guests book the property.

Q3: What should I do if a guest leaves excessive mess or damage beyond normal use?

In cases of excessive mess or damage, you can use the Airbnb Resolution Center to request compensation from the guest. Be sure to document the property’s condition with photos and keep a record of all communications. That way, you can make a strong case for reimbursement.

Q4: Should I hire a professional cleaning service, or can I clean the property myself?

Whether to hire a professional cleaning service or clean the property yourself depends on your personal preference, skill level, time availability, and property size. Professional services ensure consistent and high-quality results but come at a higher cost. In contrast, cleaning the property yourself can save money but requires thorough attention to detail and maybe more time-consuming. Ultimately, choosing an option that aligns with your hosting goals and budget is essential.

Q5: Can I use eco-friendly cleaning options for my Airbnb?

Yes, there are many eco-friendly cleaning products and methods available that are effective and safer for the environment. These products often use natural ingredients and are biodegradable. Choosing these alternatives not only helps protect the planet but also promotes a healthier home for you and your loved ones.

Q6: How do I ensure that my laundry (e.g., bed linens and towels) is sanitized for each new guest?

To sanitize your laundry, wash bed linens and towels at high temperatures with a disinfectant or use a bleach solution suitable for the fabric type. Ensure they are completely dried in a dryer or direct sunlight before use. At the same time, make sure to change all linens and towels for each new guest.


Create an Airbnb Cleaning Checklist with DATAMYTE!

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you create a customized cleaning checklist for your Airbnb property using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits, a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for managing your Airbnb property’s cleaning processes and maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness for your guests’ satisfaction. Try DATAMYTE today and see the difference it can make in optimizing your cleaning routine! Book a demo now to learn more.



Maintaining a pristine and welcoming Airbnb property is crucial for host success and guest satisfaction. A comprehensive cleaning regimen, bolstered by a well-organized supply kit, scheduled deep cleanings, and an openness to guest feedback, is key to achieving and upholding high cleanliness standards. 

Whether you opt for professional cleaning services or take the DIY approach, the ultimate goal remains consistent: to provide a clean and safe environment for every guest. By adhering to these strategies and maintaining a vigilant approach to property cleanliness, hosts can ensure a positive experience that leads to glowing reviews and repeat bookings.



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