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What are the Photo Widget Properties

Photo Widget

Photo Widget can be used to add a photo or image to your workflow. Drag and drop the Photo widget from the left pane to the middle pane on the Revolution device. Photo widget will allow the user to capture images using the Revolution camera or you can pick an image from photo gallery/library.

Photo Widget—Properties

1. Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos

Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos default toggle value is ‘Yes’. The Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos property is a drop-down list. Options include Yes or No. Set the property to Yes if you want to view the image if you export the data to Excel. Set the property to No if when data is exported to Excel you do NOT want the image to be displayed. Example—Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos is set to Yes. When you export the data to Excel spreadsheet, the image will be exported with the data. Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos is set to No. When you export the data to Excel spreadsheet, the image will not be visible with the data. 

Tooltip: Enables the creation of a shareable web link that allows public access to specific photos stored online. Useful for sharing pictures with others without requiring them to log in or download the files.

Generate Public URL for Accessing Photos


2. Include Note

Include Note default toggle value is ‘Yes’. A note can be associated with every annotation (shape) drawn on an image. By default, the annotation asks for a note right after it is drawn on the image. The Include Note property can be disabled to not ask the user to add notes for every annotation drawn. If disabled, the note section does not appear after drawing the shape, but still, a note can be added later when a shape is selected by clicking on it.

To view annotations and notes on photos, select the image in Data and click the View Annotations icon—Example shown below.

Tooltip: Allows the integration of additional textual information, descriptions, or comments alongside the shared photos. Enhances context and understanding for viewers by providing accompanying notes or details about the images.

To view annotations and notes on photos, select the image in Data and click View Annotations icon—Example shown below.


Photo Widget—Common Properties

Photo Widget Common Properties include—Label, Font Size, Required, Unique, Unique Identifier, Auto Advance, Custom ID, On Value Change, Hidden, Read-Only, Help Expanded, Increase Indent By, Visibility Conditions and Validity Conditions. Reference Text Box Widget—Common Properties for definitions and examples.

Photo Widget—Revolution Device

DataMyte Digital Clipboard using the onboard camera on the Revolution Device to capture images. The end-user collecting data in the workflow can capture one or more pictures, add annotations, and notes. Data collection is more effective when you have an image of the problem. 


  1. Open Camera (Photo Widget)—Revolution Device
  2. Take picture
  3. Tap picture to annotate
  4. Draw on picture
  5. Add Notes (workflow Notes set to Yes)

DataMyte Digital Clipboard using the onboard camera on the Revolution Device to capture images.

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