Guide To TIMWOOD: The Lean Framework to Help Identify and Eliminate Wastes

Guide To TIMWOOD The Lean Framework to Help Identify and Eliminate Wastes

Last Updated on September 20, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

Are you looking for a way to eliminate waste in your business? If so, TIMWOOD may be the solution you are looking for. TIMWOOD is a lean framework that can help you identify and deal with wastes that could cost you time, money, and efficiency. This article will introduce you to TIMWOOD and how you can apply it to your operations. 


What is TIMWOOD?

TIMWOOD is a framework that Toyota developed to help identify and eliminate waste in manufacturing operations. TIMWOOD stands for Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Overprocessing, and Defects. These are the seven types of waste that the TIMWOOD system focuses on. 

Apart from manufacturing, the TIMWOOD framework applies to any business. This system can help you identify wastes in your own business and find ways to eliminate them. At the same time, it can help you improve your processes and make them more efficient.


The Person Behind TIMWOOD

TIMWOOD was developed by Taiichi Ohno, the father of the Toyota Production System (TPS). Ohno was born in 1912 and started working at Toyota in 1943. Ohno categorized these unproductive manufacturing practices to eliminate them from the work process.

Due to his concept, TIMWOOD now plays an important role in the TPS to determine and eliminate the seven wastes to boost production efficiency and quality. Today, TIMWOOD is known and used worldwide as an effective lean manufacturing tool.


Why is TIMWOOD Essential?

If you want an effective system for eliminating waste in your workplace, it’s essential to use TIMWOOD to remove all of the relevant wastes associated with your work process. This system will help you to identify and correct these wastes, resulting in a more efficient workplace.

By closely examining the seven wastes TIMWOOD focuses on, you can see how this system can help your business. Just remember that small changes can make a huge difference, so don’t hesitate to give TIMWOOD a try in your workplace!


What Are the 7 Wastes?

As mentioned earlier, TIMWOOD is a Lean Framework with only an acronym for the seven wastes in a management process: Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Overprocessing, and Defects. Let’s take a closer look at each one to understand how they can affect your business: 



Transport waste is any waste incurred from moving materials or products from one process to another. This type of waste can include unnecessary handling or transport of material, long distances between processes, and poor layout of the facility. 



Inventory waste is any waste associated with too much inventory on hand. This can include excess raw materials, work in progress, or finished goods. Too much inventory can tie up your cash and lead to problems such as obsolescence or deterioration.



Motion waste is any waste associated with the unnecessary or excessive movement of people or equipment. It’s important to have a well-designed workplace layout to avoid this type of waste. This waste can include walking or searching for materials, repetitive motions, and poor ergonomics. 



Waiting for waste is any waste associated with waiting for materials, people, or equipment. This type of waste can include waiting for approvals, waiting for the next process step, and idle time due to machine downtime.



Overproduction waste is any waste associated with producing more than what is needed. This type of waste can include producing ahead of schedule, over-processing, and making more than required.



Overprocessing waste is any waste that is associated with performing more work than what is necessary. This waste can include excessive testing, rework, and unnecessary features.



Defect waste is any waste that is associated with producing a defective product or having to rework a product. Defective products can include things like products that are damaged, incorrect, or late. This waste can result in lost time, money, and resources.


What is “Waste” in Lean Manufacturing?

Waste in the context of lean manufacturing refers to anything that doesn’t add value to the product or service being produced. Lean manufacturing aims to eliminate as much waste as possible to improve efficiency and quality.



DATAMYTE is a quality management platform that provides software and hardware solutions to maintain a productive and efficient workplace. Its Digital Clipboard software, in particular, is a useful tool for detecting TIMWOOD. With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you can create checklists to help your safety managers spot TIMWOOD in your workplace.

The checklists you create using the DataMyte Digital Clipboard will play a relevant role during audits or assessments. By having a specific list of TIMWOOD, your safety manager will know exactly what to look for during an audit. This will help ensure that your workplace is free of TIMWOOD and improve your chances of passing an audit.

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a powerful tool that can help eliminate TIMWOOD from your workplace. With its easy-to-use checklist feature, you can quickly identify and fix any workplace areas causing waste. Get started with the DataMyte Digital Clipboard in your workplace today by booking a demo with us!



TIMWOOD Lean only proves that the workplace is filled with potential wastes that will bring your business down if not properly identified and fixed. However, with the right tool like DATAMYTE’s Digital Clipboard, you can easily identify and eliminate these wastes and create a more productive and efficient workplace. So start identifying TIMWOOD now and make your workplace a better working environment.



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