Understanding ISO 37301:2021: A Comprehensive Guide

ISO 37301:2021 provides organizations with requirements to develop, implement, evaluate, maintain, and improve an effective CMS. Learn more!

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Ossian Muscad

Organizations of all sizes are increasingly recognizing the importance of compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. To ensure that organizations remain compliant, ISO has developed a set of international standards for Compliance Management Systems (CMS) called ISO 37301:2021. This standard provides organizations with requirements for developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining, and improving effective CMS. 

This comprehensive guide will provide an overview of this important standard, explain how it can help reduce compliance risks and improve business processes, and offer tips on implementing ISO 37301:2021 in your organization.


What is ISO 37301:2021?

ISO 37301:2021 is an internationally recognized standard that provides guidelines and requirements for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, and maintaining an effective Compliance Management System (CMS) within an organization. It is designed to help organizations prevent, detect, and respond to compliance risks and ensure adherence to legal, regulatory, and ethical obligations. The key features and principles surrounding ISO 37301:2021 are as follows:

  • Risk-based Approach: This standard encourages organizations to adopt a risk-based approach in identifying and prioritizing compliance risks.
  • Integration: It promotes the integration of compliance management within an organization’s overall governance, risk management, and internal control framework.
  • Continuous Improvement: The standard emphasizes the importance of continual improvement and regular evaluation of the CMS.
  • Top Management Commitment: The success of a CMS depends on the active involvement and commitment of top management.
  • Documented Policies and Procedures: Organizations must have clear, documented policies and procedures to support their CMS.
  • Training and Communication: Effective training and communication are essential for promoting an organization’s compliance culture.
  • Monitoring and Measurement: Regular monitoring and measurement of the CMS’s performance are vital for ensuring its effectiveness.


Benefits of Implementing ISO 37301

Using a CMS based on ISO 37301:2021 will benefit your organization, including the following:

Ensure their CMS Meets International Standards

By implementing a CMS based on ISO 37301:2021, organizations can have their compliance management system independently assessed by a certified third party. This validation provides assurance that the organization’s CMS adheres to globally recognized best practices and demonstrates its commitment to maintaining high compliance standards.

Foster Positive Compliance Culture

A robust CMS helps promote a culture of compliance by establishing clear expectations for ethical behavior and legal compliance. This includes providing employees with the necessary training and resources to understand and adhere to relevant policies and procedures. By fostering a positive compliance culture, organizations can improve employee morale and reduce the likelihood of non-compliant behavior.

Address Compliance Concerns Swiftly

ISO 37301:2021 emphasizes the importance of effective mechanisms for identifying, reporting, and resolving compliance concerns. This ensures that any potential issues are quickly detected and addressed, minimizing the risk of regulatory penalties or reputational damage.

Prevent and Detect Unethical Practices

Implementing a CMS based on ISO 37301:2021 demonstrates an organization’s commitment to ethical behavior and legal compliance. By proactively identifying and addressing potential compliance risks, organizations can prevent unethical practices and maintain their reputation for integrity and transparency.

Facilitate Business Growth and Enhance Sustainability

A well-implemented CMS can streamline processes and improve overall operational efficiency, allowing organizations to grow and become more sustainable. Additionally, adhering to ISO 37301:2021 can attract new customers, partners, and investors who value organizations with strong compliance records.

Boost Stakeholder Confidence

Achieving ISO 37301:2021 certification demonstrates an organization’s commitment to maintaining high standards of compliance, which can strengthen stakeholder confidence in its ability to succeed long-term. This increased confidence can lead to greater investment, customer loyalty, and overall business growth.

Strengthen Customer Trust and Loyalty

By adopting a CMS that adheres to ISO 37301:2021 standards, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to ethical behavior and legal compliance. This can help to build trust among customers, who may be more likely to remain loyal and recommend the organization to others. This can lead to increased customer retention and long-term business success.


Key Elements of ISO 37301 Compliance Management System

The standard is based on globally recognized principles, such as good governance, proportionality, transparency, and sustainability. It comprises the following key elements:

Context of the Organization

Understanding the organization’s context, stakeholder expectations, strategy, systems in place, and risk assessment methods are crucial for success. This involves identifying potential compliance risks and ensuring the CMS aligns with the organization’s objectives.


Effective leadership is essential for a successful CMS. This includes the governing body’s involvement, the establishment of anti-bribery policies, and clearly defined compliance roles and responsibilities. Top management should demonstrate their commitment to fostering a culture of compliance within the organization.


Through comprehensive compliance planning, organizations must address risks, opportunities, and anti-bribery or anti-corruption objectives. This involves developing and implementing risk-based compliance activities to prevent, detect, and respond to potential violations.


A robust CMS requires adequate resources, training, communication, and documentation to enable staff to understand their responsibilities and possess the necessary skills. This includes providing regular training on compliance policies and procedures and maintaining clear records of compliance activities.


Operational measures, such as due diligence on commitments, gifts, hospitality, donations, and investigations, prevent bribery and corruption. Organizations should establish and enforce stringent controls to mitigate identified risks and ensure compliance with legal and ethical obligations.

Performance Evaluation

Regular performance evaluations, including internal audits and management reviews, help ensure the smooth functioning of the organization. These assessments should focus on progress, performance, and compliance, identifying areas for improvement and ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of the CMS.


Continuous improvement is a vital component of ISO 37301:2021. Organizations should address nonconformities and implement corrective actions to enhance their CMS. By regularly evaluating and updating the system, organizations can ensure that their compliance management remains effective and responsive to evolving risks and requirements.


How To Create an Effective Compliance Management System?

The ISO 37301:2021 standard outlines essential requirements for setting up a comprehensive compliance management system. The steps outlined below can help organizations create an effective CMS that meets these requirements:

Step 1: Identify Interested Parties

Begin by identifying all relevant stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and investors. Understanding the needs and expectations of these parties is crucial for developing a comprehensive and responsive compliance management system.

Step 2: Determine the Context of the Organization

Analyze the organization’s context by considering its size, industry, geographical locations, and applicable legal, regulatory, and ethical requirements. Assess potential risks and challenges that may arise in relation to compliance and ensure that the CMS addresses these concerns.

Step 3: Ensure Top Management Commitment

Garner support and commitment from top management to foster a culture of compliance within the organization. This includes establishing clear compliance policies, allocating necessary resources, and defining roles and responsibilities for the compliance function. Top management should also actively promote the importance of ethical behavior and legal compliance among all employees.

Step 4: Introduce Monitoring Mechanisms

Implement effective monitoring mechanisms to detect and prevent non-compliance. This may include regular internal audits, risk assessments, and compliance reviews. Establish clear reporting channels for employees to raise concerns or report potential violations and ensure that such reports are investigated promptly and thoroughly.

Step 5: Monitor and Investigate Cases of Non-compliance

Continuously monitor and investigate instances of non-compliance, taking appropriate corrective actions when necessary. Analyze the root causes of non-compliant behavior and implement measures to prevent similar issues from arising in the future. Regularly evaluate and update the CMS to ensure its ongoing effectiveness in addressing compliance risks and meeting the needs of interested parties.


Stay Compliant with ISO 37301:2021 Standards Using a Low-code Platform

If you’re looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to stay compliant with ISO 37301:2021 standards, consider using a low-code platform. Low-code solutions make it easy to create and manage automated compliance processes without the need for complex coding or manual effort. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors, helping your organization achieve compliance more quickly and effectively.

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a checklist and smart form builder. This tool lets you create a comprehensive ISO 37301:2021 compliance checklist to share with your team.

To create a checklist or form template using DATAMYTE, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the DATAMYTE software and navigate to the ‘Checklist’ module.
  2. Click “Create Checklist.”
  3. Add a title to your checklist; select the category where it belongs.
  4. Start adding items to the checklist by clicking “Add Item.” 
  5. Define the description of each item, what type of answer it requires, and other relevant specifications (e.g., reference documents, acceptance criteria, limits).
  6. Assign a team member responsible for conducting the inspection using the checklist.
  7. Add signature fields for approvals (e.g., supervisors, quality assurance personnel).
  8. Save the checklist—you can now access it anywhere, and it will be available for use on any device.


DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits, a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for creating and implementing ISO 37301:2021 compliance checklists. Book a demo now to learn how DATAMYTE can help you streamline your compliance management system.



By following the steps outlined in this article and using a low-code platform like DATAMYTE, organizations can effectively reduce compliance risks and ensure their CMS meets the requirements of ISO 37301:2021. Taking proactive measures to protect your organization from non-compliance is essential for long-term success. Get started with DATAMYTE today and discover the benefits of a comprehensive compliance management system.



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