What Is IT Automation? A Full Guide

What Is IT Automation A Full Guide

Last Updated on December 26, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

Your IT team is the backbone of your organization. However, it can be challenging to keep up with the relentless pace of change and innovation. For this reason, it’s become increasingly important for organizations to make the most of automation technologies. That’s where IT automation comes in.

IT automation is the solution to all the problems your team faces. Automating mundane, repetitive tasks allows you to focus on more important aspects of IT, such as innovation and strategy. But what exactly is IT automation, and how can you and your team best take advantage of it?

This guide will cover the basics of IT automation and how it can help your organization, as well as share key advice from IT leaders and automation experts.


What Is IT Automation?

IT automation, also known as infrastructure automation, is the process of automating tedious IT tasks and processes. This includes anything from provisioning and configuring servers to deploying applications or monitoring systems. Automation helps reduce manual labor, saving your team time, money, and energy.

By establishing a system of automated processes, you can help your IT team focus exclusively on more meaningful tasks. At the same time, you will also allow them to work smarter, not harder. It also makes it easier to manage your IT environment and ensure it runs smoothly.


Why Should You Adopt IT Automation?

There’s an insurmountable amount of repeatable tasks that IT can automate. As cloud services become more prevalent, IT managers are also beginning to learn that automating processes produces far more efficient and reliable results than manual labor.

IT automation also reduces human error, eliminating the possibility of a mistake due to manual processes. This strengthens the security of your IT operations and ensures it is more resilient. At the same time, it can help you become more agile and respond quickly to changing customer demands.

It’s about time your organization undergoes a digital transformation—which is the use of technology to fundamentally alter how you do business. Your IT managers should understand the importance of automating applications, workflows, and the provisioning of IT infrastructures that enable you to automate whatever business process you want to transform.


How Does IT Automation Work?

In its core form, IT automation is the process of automating repetitive tasks. This can range from creating repeatable scripts and integrating these into existing systems to creating more advanced automation platforms.

The most common type of IT automation is Infrastructure as Code (IaC). This consists of using code or software to define, create, and manage IT infrastructure. IaC enables you to define your environment, from its hardware and software components to its security policies. This makes it easy to keep it consistent and secure across multiple platforms.

IT automation also includes process automation, which uses technology to automate manual tasks and create repeatable workflows. This can range from using bots to automate customer service tasks to using a more advanced system for automated provisioning of servers and applications.

It’s also important to note that IT automation can be manual and automated. This means it can be used for both repetitive tasks and more complex processes. Remember that the aim is to free up your IT team from mundane tasks, allowing it to focus on more complex tasks that require higher levels of expertise.


Which Processes Does Your IT Team Need Automation?

Nowadays, IT automation is a prevalent feature in many IT teams in different companies across various industries. Teams use it for myriad purposes—from app development and network automation to cloud provisioning, configuration management, and much more. 


Here are other examples of processes that require automation:


Cloud Automation

IT automation is used to manage the lifecycle of cloud-based services, covering anything from provisioning and configuring resources in a virtual environment to deploying applications and monitoring their performance.


Application development

The evolution of agile methodology has helped to drive the need for automation in the development process. Automation techniques, such as Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), enable developers to quickly push code changes and other updates.



This process involves creating and running workflows, which can be used to automate a variety of tasks. This includes automated deployment and configuration of servers, as well as troubleshooting and maintenance of IT systems.



Automation can also identify potential security threats, respond quickly to them, and ensure it is more resilient. That’s why your IT team needs to understand the importance of automation when it comes to keeping your organization secure.


IT Migrations

For data apps, it’s important to ensure that they are properly migrated from one environment to the other, whether cloud or on-premises. Automation can make the process smoother and faster.


Keys to Success With IT Automation

If your organization is considering adopting automation, it’s essential to understand it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Your IT team needs to assess the processes that it needs automation for, and it should also have a clear understanding of what it wants to achieve. With that said, here are some tips for getting it right:

  • Make sure it fits with your existing processes: It’s important to understand how automation will fit in with your existing processes. You need to ensure it is implemented correctly so it doesn’t disrupt your workflow.
  • Integrate it with other systems: Automation is much more powerful when integrated with your existing systems. It should be able to communicate with the systems it interacts with, and it should also be able to pull data from them.
  • Ensure it is secure: You need to ensure it is secure so it doesn’t become a potential risk for your organization. Make sure to implement it in line with best practices and ensure it is regularly monitored.
  • Plan it out: Planning is essential when implementing IT automation. Make sure you have a clear roadmap of what it needs to do and how it should be implemented. 


Implement IT Automation Using a Low-Code Platform

If you optimize your business processes with IT automation, it’s essential to use the right solution. Low-code platforms like DATAMYTE enable IT teams to quickly and easily create automated processes without needing to write code. At the same time, it can be integrated with your existing systems, and it’s secure and scalable.

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code software capable of creating workflows and apps optimized for IT automation. These solutions are tailored to your needs and enable IT teams to quickly and easily create process automation.

With low-code features such as drag-and-drop tools, it’s easy for IT teams to rapidly create and deploy apps that can automate the most complex tasks. This makes it easier to keep up with evolving IT needs while at the same time reducing costs.

With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you have an all-in-one solution to your IT automation needs. Book a demo with us today to learn more about how DATAMYTE can help you with your IT automation endeavors.



IT automation is an essential component for modern IT teams. It enables them to quickly and easily create automated processes that make it easier to keep up with evolving IT needs. As the IT landscape evolves, it’s also essential for you to adapt to the changing times. With IT automation, you can ensure that your IT team can efficiently and securely keep up with the demands of modern business.


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