What is a Manager Bar Closing Audit Checklist, and How To Create One?

Creating an automated manager bar closing audit can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the closing process. Learn how!

Last Updated on July 23, 2023 by Ossian Muscad

Bar closing is an essential aspect of managing a bar effectively. As a bar manager, overseeing the closing process is crucial to ensure the establishment is properly cleaned, secured, and ready for the next day of operations. Closing a bar involves various tasks that must be completed efficiently to maintain the bar’s reputation, meet legal requirements, and provide a pleasant experience for customers and staff.

The bar closing process typically begins towards the end of the night, as customers are notified of the last call for drinks. This gives them sufficient time to finish their orders and allows the staff to promptly begin closing procedures. As the bar manager, you are vital in coordinating and supervising the closing tasks to ensure a smooth and organized operation.


What is a Manager Bar Closing Audit?

A manager bar closing audit refers to a comprehensive review or inspection conducted by a bar manager or supervisor at the night’s end to assess the closing procedures and ensure that all tasks have been completed accurately and efficiently. This audit aims to verify that the bar has been properly closed according to the established protocols and to identify any areas that may require improvement.


What is a Manager Bar Closing Audit Checklist?

A manager bar closing audit checklist is used by bar managers or supervisors to systematically review and assess the closing procedures and tasks performed at the end of the night. It helps ensure that all necessary steps have been completed accurately and efficiently. While specific checklists may vary based on the establishment’s requirements, here are some key elements that are commonly included:

Cleaning and Sanitation

  • Bar tops were wiped clean and free from spills.
  • Floors swept and mopped.
  • Restrooms cleaned and stocked with supplies.
  • Glassware and utensils are properly washed and stored.

Inventory and Restocking

  • Alcohol inventory is accurately recorded and compared with physical stock.
  • Mixers, garnishes, and other bar supplies are replenished as needed.
  • Perishable items are checked for expiration dates and discarded if necessary.

Cash Handling and Reconciliation

  • Cash register or POS system reconciled with recorded sales.
  • Cash is properly secured and prepared for deposit.
  • Reconciliation of credit card transactions and tips.

Security Measures

  • Liquor cabinets and storage areas are locked securely.
  • Alarms set and tested.
  • Valuables, such as cash and important documents, are safely stored.

Compliance with Regulations

  • Adherence to local laws regarding closing hours.
  • Responsible alcohol service protocols followed.
  • Compliance with health and safety regulations.

Staff Communication

  • Clear communication with staff regarding closing procedures.
  • Documentation of any issues or incidents during the closing process.
  • Instructions are provided for the next shift or any specific tasks to be completed.

Equipment and Maintenance

  • All bar equipment was turned off and cleaned.
  • Maintenance issues or repairs documented for follow-up.
  • Lighting and signage should be properly adjusted or turned off.

General Checks

  • Overall cleanliness and organization of the bar area.
  • Trash and empty bottles are properly disposed of.
  • Adequate stock of non-perishable supplies (straws, napkins, etc.) for the next day.


How To Create an Automated Manager Bar Closing Audit Checklist?

Creating an automated manager bar closing checklist can streamline the process and ensure completion of closing tasks consistently. Here are five steps to create an automated checklist:

Step 1: Identify Closing Tasks.

List all the tasks involved in the bar closing process, such as cleaning, inventory, cash handling, security measures, and staff communication. Ensure that the checklist covers all essential aspects.

Step 2: Choose an Automation Tool.

Consider automating your checklist using a digital tool like DataMyte’s Digital Clipboard. Digital Clipboard allows you to create customizable digital forms and checklists that can be accessed on mobile devices.

Step 3: Create the Checklist.

Using DataMyte’s Digital Clipboard, create a digital checklist template. Include checkboxes or drop-down menus for each task, allowing the manager to mark them as completed or add relevant notes.

Step 4: Add Task Details and Instructions.

Provide specific details and instructions for each task on the checklist. This ensures that the manager and staff have clear guidance on completing each task effectively.

Step 5: Implement and Customize.

Deploy the automated checklist using the Digital Clipboard tool. Customize the checklist according to your bar’s specific requirements, such as adding additional tasks or modifying existing ones. Train your staff on how to use the tool effectively.



Creating an automated manager bar closing checklist using tools like DataMyte’s Digital Clipboard can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the closing process. The low-code capabilities of Digital Clipboard allow for quick and easy customization of checklists tailored to the specific needs of your bar. The drag-and-drop interface simplifies the checklist creation process, enabling managers to design and update checklists without extensive technical expertise.

Ultimately, automating the manager bar closing checklist with Digital Clipboard saves time, reduces errors, and contributes to a smoother, more organized closing routine, enhancing overall bar management efficiency.



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