Understanding Single Sign-On (SSO): A Comprehensive Guide

Unlock the power of Single Sign-On (SSO) with our comprehensive guide. Learn how the SSO machine streamlines access management effortlessly.

Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

Do you have multiple accounts for different websites and applications? If so, you’re not alone. With the rise of online services, having multiple accounts has become increasingly common. However, managing all of those usernames and passwords can be a hassle. Fortunately, single sign-on (SSO) is a machine made for this particular problem. This technology simplifies access to multiple services, allowing users to log in once and gain access to all associated systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them. This article will discuss single sign-on, how it works, and how you can start using it today!


What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication process that enables users to access multiple applications or websites using one set of login credentials. This means that instead of remembering a different username and password for each service, users can use the same credentials to log in to all of them if they are connected through SSO. It primarily works by establishing a trust relationship between an identity provider (IdP) and various service providers (SPs).

When a user attempts to log in to a service provider’s application, the service provider requests authentication from the identity provider. If the user has already authenticated with the identity provider, the IdP will confirm the user’s identity to the SP without requiring the user to log in again, thus providing a seamless access experience. This technology not only enhances user convenience but also improves security by minimizing the chances of password theft and reducing the number of attacks that can result from multiple password vulnerabilities.


How Does Single Sign-On Work?

The functionality of SSO is predicated on a trust-based framework established between two primary entities: the Service Provider (SP) and the Identity Provider (IdP), such as OneLogin. This framework is typically underpinned by the exchange of a digital certificate, which serves to authenticate communication between the SP and the IdP.

The certificate plays a crucial role in the verification process, as it is used to sign the identity data transferred from the IdP to the SP. The essence of this data is encapsulated in tokens, which carry essential user identification details, like email addresses or usernames. The steps involved in the SSO authentication process unfold as follows:

  1. Initial Access Attempt: A user navigates to the application or website they wish to access, known formally as the Service Provider (SP).
  2. Token Transmission: The SP generates and dispatches a token that encapsulates user-related information to the SSO mechanism, identified here as the Identity Provider (IdP), alongside a request for user authentication.
  3. Authentication Verification: Upon receiving the request, the IdP examines if the user has already undergone the authentication process. If authenticated, the process advances directly to step 5, facilitating swifter access.
  4. Credential Prompt: In instances where the user is not previously authenticated, the IdP prompts the user for credentials. This authentication step might require input such as a username and password or involve an additional authentication layer, such as a One-Time Password (OTP).
  5. Token Response: Post successful authentication, the IdP issues a token back to the SP, signifying the user’s authenticated status.
  6. User’s Browser as the Medium: This authentication token is routed to the SP through the user’s browser, acting as an intermediary.
  7. Token Validation: Upon receipt, the SP validates the token based on the foundational trust relationship established with the IdP during the setup phase.
  8. Access Granted: Following successful validation, the user is accorded access to the SP’s services or applications.


SSO Advantages and Disadvantages

SSO technology offers a blend of convenience and security by streamlining the process through which users access multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This simplicity, however, comes with its own set of challenges and considerations, particularly in terms of security and accessibility. Below, we break down the key advantages and disadvantages to provide a comprehensive understanding of SSO.

Advantages of SSO

  • Simplified Login: Users need to remember and manage fewer passwords and usernames for each application, reducing the cognitive burden.
  • Streamlined Authentication: The process of authenticating with applications is streamlined—no need to re-enter passwords for access, enhancing user efficiency.
  • Enhanced Security: Successful phishing attacks are reduced as users are prompted for credentials less frequently. IT help desks see fewer complaints or tickets regarding password issues, indicating lower risk and fewer operational disruptions.

Disadvantages of SSO

  • Security Risks for Specific Applications: It does not address certain levels of security each application sign-on might need, potentially creating vulnerabilities.
  • Accessibility Concerns: If availability is lost to apps that only allow SSO, users become locked out, impacting productivity and access.
  • Increased Scope of Unauthorized Access: If unauthorized users gain access, they could access more than one application, potentially leading to greater risks and losses.


How to Implement SSO?

Implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) within an organization can streamline the user access experience, enhance security, and reduce the overhead associated with managing multiple credentials. A well-executed SSO strategy ensures that users have a frictionless transition between services while maintaining a high level of security. To successfully implement SSO, organizations must follow several critical steps, each of which plays a vital role in the efficient functioning of the system.

  1. Evaluation of Requirements and SSO Solutions: Start by assessing the specific needs of your organization, including the number of applications used, their compatibility with SSO, and security requirements. Research the various SSO solutions available that fit your organization’s scale and complexity.
  2. Choose an Identity Provider (IdP): Select an IdP that best aligns with your organization’s needs. Consider factors such as ease of integration, support for standards like SAML and OpenID Connect, and cost.
  3. Establish a Trust Relationship: Configure a trust relationship between your chosen IdP and the Service Providers (SPs). This involves exchanging digital certificates and metadata between the IdP and SPs to ensure secure communication.
  4. Integrate Applications with the IdP: Modify the authentication mechanisms of your applications to redirect login requests to the IdP. This may involve changing the codebase of the applications or configuring them through the IdP’s administration interfaces.
  5. User Directory Synchronization: Synchronize your organization’s user directory (like Active Directory or LDAP) with the IdP to enable the IdP to authenticate users. Ensure this process is secure and respects privacy concerns.
  6. Test the Implementation: Conduct thorough testing in a controlled environment before going live. This includes testing for both successful and unsuccessful authentication attempts, token validity, and usability.
  7. Deploy and Monitor: Once testing is successful, deploy the SSO solution across your organization. Continuous monitoring is essential to quickly identify and rectify any issues that arise.


Different Types of SSO

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials, enhancing both convenience and security. This approach minimizes the need for multiple passwords, reducing the risk of password fatigue and potential security breaches. Different types of SSO solutions offer varying levels of integration and security to meet the specific needs of organizations and their IT infrastructure.

Federated Identity Management (FIM)

Federated Identity Management (FIM) represents an evolution in the realm of online identity services, where Single Sign-On (SSO) plays a crucial role within its architecture. Unlike traditional SSO, which operates within the confines of a single organization or domain, FIM extends this functionality across different domains and identity management systems, creating a web of trusted relationships. This means that FIM allows a user’s credentials to be used securely across multiple unrelated platforms without the need for separate login details for each service.

Essentially, FIM facilitates seamless access to resources spread across various systems and organizations, enhancing user experience while maintaining high levels of security and privacy. By leveraging federated SSO capabilities, FIM alleviates the need for multiple passwords and streamlines the authentication process across diverse digital ecosystems.

OAuth (specifically OAuth 2.0 nowadays)

OAuth 2.0, an evolution of its predecessor, stands out as a robust framework underpinning many modern Federated Identity Management (FIM) systems. It specializes in facilitating trusted relationships that enable the secure sharing of user identity information across domains. By authorizing applications to access user data without exposing passwords, OAuth 2.0 significantly enhances security and simplifies the user experience across the digital landscape.

This framework is essential for services that require access to user information stored by other platforms, such as logging into a third-party application using social media credentials. OAuth 2.0’s widespread adoption is testimony to its effectiveness in securing and streamlining the authentication process in an increasingly interconnected digital ecosystem.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, offering a robust framework for Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality. By enabling clients to verify the identity of the end-user and to obtain basic profile information in an interoperable and REST-like manner, OIDC streamlines the authentication process across various services and platforms. It is specifically designed to work in internet-scale distributed networks, providing a more user-friendly and secure experience compared to traditional SSO methods.

Thanks to its reliance on OAuth 2.0, OIDC not only facilitates secure authentication but also extends OAuth’s capabilities to include identity assurance, making it a preferred choice for modern applications and services seeking to offer seamless access while maintaining high-security standards.

Security Access Markup Language (SAML)

Security Access Markup Language (SAML) is a standard for exchanging authentication and authorization identities between parties, particularly between an identity provider and a service provider. SAML is crucial in enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) by allowing users to access multiple services with a single login process conducted by their identity provider. This XML-based framework specifies a protocol for the exchange of authentication and authorization data, facilitating secure cross-domain communication without the need for additional credentials.

At the heart of SAML is the idea that users can be authenticated in one domain (such as their home organization) and then access services in another domain (such as a web application) without re-authenticating. This is achieved through the issuance of a secure SAML assertion by the identity provider, which the service provider then uses to grant access to the user.

SAML simplifies the user experience significantly while enhancing security. It enables organizations to maintain a central repository of user identities, typically in a directory service, making user management easier and more secure. Additionally, since SAML assertions are digitally signed, they are resistant to tampering, ensuring that the communication between the identity provider and service provider remains secure.

Same Sign On (SSO)

Same Sign On, which is often abbreviated as SSO, remarkably differs from the Single Sign-On solutions detailed above. Contrary to what its name might suggest, it does not involve establishing any trust relationships between the authentication entities. Instead, it relies on duplicating the user’s credentials across multiple systems. When access is requested, these credentials are simply passed to the necessary system.

This method, while providing some level of convenience by reducing the number of usernames and passwords a user must remember, falls short of the security provided by true Single Sign-On mechanisms. Without the sophisticated trust frameworks and protocols used in Federated Identity Management, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and SAML, Same Sign On is inherently less secure. Its practice of credential duplication raises significant security concerns, as it increases the risk of credential exposure and misuse across the different systems where the credentials are stored.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is SSO Secure?

Yes, SSO is a secure way to authenticate users because it uses strong encryption methods to protect user credentials. In addition, SSO solutions are often integrated with other security solutions, such as two-factor authentication, to further secure user accounts.

However, keep in mind that any authentication system always has security risks, so it’s important to understand these potential threats and take steps to mitigate them. When configuring an SSO solution, consult with a security expert to ensure your system is as secure as possible.

Q2: What is an SSO Token

An SSO token is essentially a package of information that is transferred between systems during the Single Sign-On process. This bundle of data typically contains the user’s identifying details, such as their email address, along with metadata about the system that is issuing the token. For the receiving system to verify the token’s authenticity, it must be digitally signed. 

The digital certificate used for signing is exchanged between the Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Provider (SP) during the initial setup phase. This ensures that the token indeed comes from a trusted source, bolstering the security of the SSO process by preventing unauthorized access.

Q3: What makes a true SSO System?

A key distinction exists between traditional single sign-on (SSO) systems and password vaulting or managers, sometimes inaccurately labeled as SSO. Password vaulting requires users to re-enter the same username and password for each separate application or website, acting merely as a repository that auto-fills these credentials. 

This method lacks a trust relationship between the user’s applications and the vaulting service. In contrast, genuine SSO enables seamless access to all sanctioned applications and websites after a single authentication event. This includes both cloud-based and on-premises services, typically accessed via an SSO or login portal, thus eliminating the need for multiple logins.

Q4: What’s the difference between an SSO Software and an SSO Solution?

Exploring the landscape of Single Sign-On (SSO) offerings, terms like SSO software, solution, and provider are common, but their meanings can vary based on company classification. SSO software generally refers to an on-premises installation designed for a specific set of functions.

In contrast, an SSO solution implies a more flexible or customizable framework built upon the core software. A provider, then, denotes the company that develops or hosts the solution, such as OneLogin, which is recognized as an SSO solution provider. These distinctions help in understanding the scope and adaptability of SSO functionalities being considered.

Q5: How do you implement Single-Sign On with Auth0?

Leveraging Auth0 for the implementation of Single-Sign On (SSO) simplifies the authentication and authorization process significantly. For those already utilizing Auth0 to safeguard their applications, the integration of SSO is streamlined and inherently accessible. When multiple applications are tied to a singular Auth0 account, the seamless SSO experience becomes evident; users logging into one application find themselves automatically authenticated across others without the need for additional configuration or adjustments.

This seamless integration underscores the convenience of maintaining a centralized access control point through Auth0, thereby optimizing IT resource allocation. For a deeper understanding of how Auth0 facilitates SSO and enhances application security, exploring the documentation is highly recommended.

Q6: Can I use SSO with legacy applications?

Yes, SSO can be used with legacy applications. In fact, one of the primary benefits of using an SSO solution is its ability to integrate with various existing systems and technologies. This includes legacy applications that may not have built-in support for modern authentication protocols like OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect. 

Using a federated identity management system, legacy applications can be integrated with SSO by establishing a trust relationship between the application and the central identity provider. This not only simplifies the authentication process for users but also helps to improve overall security by removing the need for multiple credentials to access different systems.


Use DATAMYTE to Streamline SSO with Your Organization

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you utilize a drag-and-drop interface to create digital forms, audits, and inspections.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits (LPA), a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for quality management and process improvement. Our platform also makes it easier for organizations to implement SSO and streamline their authentication processes. Book a demo now to learn more.



Single sign-on is a powerful authentication method that can improve security and streamline the user experience. When implementing SSO, follow the steps above to ensure a smooth and successful deployment. It’s essential to partner with a trusted provider and consider integrating additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication, to further protect your systems.

While SSO simplifies the login process for users across multiple applications, maintaining rigorous security standards is crucial in safeguarding sensitive information. By following the guidelines and considering the FAQs outlined, organizations can maximize the benefits of SSO, enhancing both operational efficiency and security posture.



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