REST HTTP Status Codes Best Practices: How To Implement HTTP Status Using Low-Code Development

REST HTTP Status Codes Best Practices How To Implement HTTP Status Using Low-Code Development

Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by Ossian Muscad

The use of REST HTTP status codes can be a powerful tool for developers to provide feedback to users about the requests they make. And with the rise of low-code development, it is now easier than ever to implement REST APIs into applications and deliver more efficient user experiences. 

In this article, we will discuss best practices when implementing rest HTTP status codes in low-code development, providing guidance on how you can ensure that your API calls are accurately managed and responded to by end users.


What are HTTP Status Codes?

HTTP status codes are numeric codes sent by the server to indicate the success or failure of a request. An API will respond with an HTTP status code for each resource operation, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. These status codes inform the user about how their request was processed and how they can act accordingly. 

Standard HTTP status codes and their meanings include: 

  • 200 OK: The request is successful. 
  • 301 Moved Permanently – The resource address has changed. 
  • 403 Forbidden: The server refuses to complete the request.
  • 404 Not Found: Resource not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An error has occurred on the server side. 


By understanding the meaning of each HTTP status code, developers can ensure that their API calls are accurately processed and managed. At the same time, end users can also be informed of the status of their requests, enabling them to take appropriate actions.


What is the REST API?

REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is an architectural pattern for web services. REST APIs are stateless and map HTTP requests to specific resources. Using REST HTTP status codes, developers can ensure that the server responds with an appropriate message for each HTTP request.

In addition, REST APIs also allow developers to provide links in the responses, which end users can use to discover related resources. This handy feature enables users to easily access more information about a particular resource, such as related content or images.


HTTP Status Codes and Low-Code Development

Low-code development makes it easier for developers to build REST APIs quickly and efficiently. Using a low-code platform, such as DATAMYTE, developers can quickly build REST APIs and implement REST HTTP status codes to ensure the server responds with appropriate messages for each request. 

Moreover, with low-code development, developers can also define custom REST HTTP status codes to provide more detailed feedback to users. For example, a custom REST HTTP status code can be used to provide detailed information about an error that occurred on the server side.


Best Practices for Implementing REST HTTP Status Codes with Low-Code Development

Low-code development makes it easier than ever to implement REST HTTP status codes and deliver meaningful user experiences. Here are some best practices to follow when implementing REST HTTP status codes:

  • Use the correct HTTP status code: When returning an HTTP status code, use the correct one for the action. For example, if a GET request is successful, return a 200 OK rather than a 400 Bad Request.
  • Include error messages: If an HTTP status code indicates an error occurred, include a brief description of the error. This will help users understand why the request failed and how they can fix it.
  • Provide links: When returning a REST HTTP status code, include links to related resources. This will allow users to access more information about a particular resource quickly.
  • Log requests and responses: Logging requests and answers can help you identify any REST HTTP status codes being returned incorrectly.
  • Verify REST HTTP status codes: You should always verify REST HTTP status codes to ensure they work correctly.
  • Document REST HTTP status codes: Document REST HTTP status codes so that users can easily understand the meaning of each code.


How To Get Started With REST HTTP Status Codes

Now that you know how REST HTTP status codes can be implemented in low-code development, it’s time to start! Here are the steps you need to take:

  • Please familiarize yourself with REST HTTP status codes: Before you start implementing REST HTTP status codes, familiarize yourself with the different rest HTTP status codes and their meanings.
  • Research REST API best practices: Research REST API best practices to ensure your REST APIs comply with industry standards.
  • Implement REST HTTP status codes in low-code development: Use a low-code platform like DATAMYTE to quickly and efficiently implement REST HTTP status codes in your rest APIs. 
  • Test REST HTTP status codes: Test REST HTTP status codes to ensure they work correctly.
  • Monitor REST HTTP status codes: Monitor REST HTTP status codes to ensure they are returned correctly.


Following the steps outlined above, you can quickly and easily implement REST HTTP status codes in REST APIs built with a low-code platform. This will ensure that your REST APIs are up-to-date and compliant with industry standards. 


Implement REST HTTP Status Codes Using a Low-Code Platform

As mentioned, REST HTTP status codes can be quickly and easily implemented in rest APIs built with a low-code platform. Low-code development enables developers to quickly build REST APIs and deploy them with minimal effort. 

With a low-code platform like DATAMYTE, you can easily define REST HTTP status codes and provide meaningful feedback to users. This will allow you to provide your users with the information they need to quickly and effectively troubleshoot any errors or issues that may arise with REST APIs.

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a low-code workflow automation software that offers tools to let you build REST APIs faster and easier. With this platform, you can quickly define REST HTTP status codes to provide feedback to users when their requests fail or succeed.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one platform to build REST APIs and deploy them easily and quickly. The platform also offers tools to help you monitor REST HTTP status codes and log requests and responses. Book a demo with us today to learn how DATAMYTE can help you build REST APIs quickly and efficiently. 



REST HTTP status codes are essential for informing users about the status of their requests when using REST APIs. By implementing REST HTTP status codes in REST APIs, you can provide meaningful feedback to users and troubleshoot any errors or issues quickly. Also, REST HTTP status codes can be quickly and easily implemented in REST APIs built with a low-code platform, such as DATAMYTE. Get started today!



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