Safety Observation Program: 7 Best Practices To Follow

Safety Observation Program 7 Best Practices To Follow

Last Updated on February 12, 2023 by Ossian Muscad

Safety in the workplace should be a top priority for any organization. A safety observation program is important for creating a safe working environment. A safety observation program allows employees to identify potential hazards or unsafe conditions that may lead to accidents or injuries. 

By implementing best practices regarding safety observations, organizations can ensure that their workers are always kept safe and secure. This article will discuss seven best practices organizations should follow when setting up and maintaining their safety observation programs.


What is a Safety Observation Program?

A safety observation program is a system that allows employees to report potential hazards or unsafe conditions in the workplace. The program aims to identify any issues before they become serious and take corrective action. This can include anything from noting slippery surfaces, exposed wiring, broken equipment, or signs of fatigue among workers. 

With a safety observation program in place, organizations can ensure that all risks in the workplace are identified and addressed in a timely manner. In addition, the program can help promote safety awareness and create a culture of safety among employees. 


Areas to Address in a Safety Observation Program

When setting up a safety observation program, it is essential to consider the areas that will be observed. The most common areas include:

  • Safety protocols:  Are safety protocols being followed? Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) being used? Are machine guards in place?
  • Work environment: Are the temperature, lighting, and ventilation adequate? Are floors free of items that may create a tripping hazard? Are exit pathways clear?
  • Equipment: Are all machines and tools maintained in proper working condition? Are guards and safety switches functioning correctly?
  • Worker behavior: Are workers engauging in unsafe behaviors such as horseplay or taking shortcuts? Is the work being done at a safe speed?
  • Work conditions: Are shifts too long or tasks too challenging? Is there a risk of fatigue due to long hours or hard work?


7 Best Practices for Safety Observation Programs

Once you have identified the areas that need to be observed, here are seven best practices to help ensure the safety of your employees:


Establish a Clear Protocol

Establish clear guidelines for safety observations. Organizations should have a clear protocol for conducting and reporting safety observations. This should include the process for capturing information and who is responsible for reviewing and responding to reports. 


Provide Examples of What to Report

Without reporting parameters, employees will resort to their judgment of what is and isn’t a hazard. Therefore, organizations should provide examples of what to report, such as trips and falls, equipment malfunction, or dangerous working conditions.


Make Reporting Easily Accessible

For safety observations to be effective, employees must be able to report them easily. Organizations should ensure the reporting process is as easy and straightforward as possible. This may include providing mobile apps or web forms so employees can easily report safety observations when and where they occur. 


Foster a Culture of Safety

Encourage conversations about safety and create an environment where employees are comfortable speaking up about potential hazards. In addition, organizations should provide training on safety observation best practices and explain why reporting is essential. 


Include Contractors

If you’re working with contractors, make sure to include them in your safety observation program as well. These contractors should understand your safety observation program and have the tools and resources to report any issues. That way, any hazards they identify can be addressed quickly.


Remind Employees That It’s Not About Blame

Remind employees that safety observations aim not to assign blame but to identify and mitigate risks. Ensure that your safety observation program focuses on safety and encourages employees to report any potential hazards without fear of punishment. 


Track Progress and Follow Up

Regularly review safety observation reports to identify patterns and trends. Conduct follow-up investigations when necessary and track progress on addressing the issues that have been identified. Use the data collected to inform decisions about safety protocols and resources. 


When implemented correctly, safety observation programs can be an effective way to prevent workplace incidents. By following these best practices, organizations can ensure that safety is a top priority. In addition, with the right program in place, employees can be empowered to identify and report potential hazards, resulting in a safer work environment for everyone.


Tips To Implement a Safety Observation Program

When implementing a safety observation program, it’s important to remember that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, the best approach is to tailor the program to your workplace and industry. Here are a few key tips to get started: 


Invest in Technology

Investing in technology can help streamline the safety observation process and make it more efficient. Many safety observation apps allow employees to report hazards easily on their phones or tablets.  


Train Employees Regularly

Safety observation programs are only effective if the employees understand how to use them. Therefore, provide training to employees on safety best practices and the importance of reporting. At the same time, it’s also essential to update the training regularly to ensure employees are up-to-date on the latest safety protocols. 


Encourage Positive Reinforcement

Recognize and reward employees who identify and report potential hazards. Positive reinforcement will encourage employees to take an active role in safety, resulting in a safer workplace for everyone. 


Review and Follow Up On Safety Observations

It’s important to review safety observations regularly and address any issues that have been identified. Follow up on any observations that could lead to potential hazards and take steps to mitigate the risk. 


Create a Safety Observation Program Using a Low-Code Platform

If you don’t have a safety observation program, consider using a low-code solution like DATAMYTE to easily create and deploy one. Using low-code technology, you can quickly build a safety observation program tailored to your organization’s specific needs. 

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a checklist builder. With this tool, you can create custom safety observation checklists to quickly and easily build a comprehensive safety program that meets your organization’s needs. 

With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, the DataMyte Digital Clipboard lets you quickly create a custom safety observation form and publish it to your team in minutes. In addition, DATAMYTE also enables you to conduct layered process audits, which is a high-frequency auditing method that lets you assess every layer of the process. This way, you can ensure that safety is always top of mind in your organization. 

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution to creating and implementing an effective safety observation program. Book a demo with us today to learn more about DATAMYTE and how it can help you create a safe workplace. 



Safety observation programs are an essential part of workplace safety. By following the best practices outlined above, organizations can ensure that their safety observation program is effective and efficient in identifying and addressing potential hazards. And with the right low-code solution like DATAMYTE, you can quickly deploy a tailored safety observation program that meets the specific needs of your organization. Get started today!



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