What Is A 360 Feedback Template & How To Make One? A Full Guide

What Is A 360 Feedback Template & How To Make One A Full Guide

Last Updated on December 19, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

Every organization needs a way to assess performance and evaluate employee progress. Whether it’s for recognizing success, improving performance, or simply informing decisions about promotions and pay raises, it’s essential to have a system in place that provides accurate feedback about individual employees. 360 feedback is a popular approach for doing just that.

360 feedback is an effective way to monitor individual development and help employees understand what areas they excel in and what needs improvement. This article will discuss 360 feedback and how to create a 360 feedback template. 


What is a 360 Feedback?

A 360 feedback template is a form that organizations use to document comprehensive performance and culture feedback from various sources. Also known as 360-degree feedback, this employee review method allows an employee to receive performance feedback from multiple sources. These sources include their supervisor, coworkers, reporting staff members, four to eight peers, and even customers.

This type of feedback can be extremely helpful in improving organizational performance and effectiveness. At the same time, 360 feedback can help employees understand their strengths and weaknesses, which can benefit both employee development and the organization as individuals can better identify areas for improvement and growth.


How Does a 360 Feedback Work?

Organizations strive for success by evaluating and guiding their employees toward consistent improvement. That’s why a standard performance review system is necessary. 360 feedback is a useful method that provides each employee the chance to get the appropriate performance feedback from the aforementioned relevant people.

360 feedback works by having managers and team members rate a particular employee on different criteria such as job performance, communication skills, attitude, and more. It can be conducted quarterly, yearly, or even more frequently, depending on the organization’s review process. 

Through this intricate review process, employees can get a more accurate picture of their performance in the eyes of their colleagues and superiors. 360 feedback can also track employees’ progress over time and provide employers with a comprehensive review of an individual’s performance. 


What is a 360 Feedback Template?

A 360 feedback template is a document that outlines the 360 review process. It includes criteria for evaluation, as well as questions for the managers and team members to answer. The 360 feedback template is helpful for both the employer and employee as it provides guidance on what needs to be reviewed, ensuring that each 360 feedback is conducted fairly and objectively.


Elements To Include in a 350 Feedback Template

Different aspects go into each question that you should consider and include in your 360 feedback template. Here are a few elements that you should always consider when creating your 360 feedback template:

  • Character How does the employee handle themselves when asked for feedback?
  • Teamwork Does the employee collaborate well with others during a group project?
  • Leadership SkillsHow does the employee display team player traits and motivate others?
  • Communication Skills How does the employee express themselves when communicating with others? 
  • Creativity Does the employee develop new ideas and solutions to a problem or process?
  • Time Management SkillsDoes the employee set goals and meet deadlines on time?
  • Interpersonal SkillsDoes the employee maintain a positive dynamic with their colleagues?
  • Overall PerformanceHow does the employee contribute overall to the team and organization?


A 360 feedback template should also have the following sections to define the 360 feedback process clearly:

  1. Introduction: This section should provide an overview of the 360 feedback process and its purpose.
  2. Criteria: This section should list the criteria that will be evaluated during the 360 feedback.
  3. 360 Feedback Process: This section should outline the 360 feedback process, including who participates and how often 360 feedback will be conducted.
  4. 360 Feedback Questions: This section should provide the 360 feedback questions that managers and team members will ask.
  5. Overall 360 Feedback Evaluation: This section should provide the employee’s overall 360 feedback score.


Create 360 Feedback Templates Using DATAMYTE

Creating a 360 feedback template using pen and paper is a time-consuming process. Replace the traditional paper-based method with a more convenient digital approach using DATAMYTE. With its low-code capabilities, DATAMYTE brings forth the opportunity to create a completely digitized 360 feedback template that’s accessible on your mobile device.

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a low-code software with a form-building feature. Using this tool, you can create 360 feedback forms that include the criteria and 360 feedback questions you want to ask. In addition, the 360 feedback form can be easily customized and shared with managers and team members. 

Once 360 feedback is collected, the DataMyte Digital Clipboard can generate 360 feedback reports in real-time with just a few clicks. With its drag-and-drop interface and intuitive dashboard, you can quickly analyze 360 feedback results and identify areas for improvement. At the same time, you can also create different templates without coding.

With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you have the perfect platform to help you create 360 feedback templates for your organization. So book a demo with us and enjoy the ease of 360 feedback management using DATAMYTE



Creating a 360 feedback template can be time-consuming, but it can be a helpful tool for both employers and employees. 360 feedback templates allow businesses to track their employees’ progress, helping them recognize areas for improvement and growth.



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