A Comprehensive Guide To Agile Framework: What Is It & How To Use It?

A Comprehensive Guide To Agile Framework What Is It & How To Use It

Last Updated on November 22, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

When it comes to software development, agility is key. The ability to rapidly adapt to changing customer needs and expectations is essential to stay competitive in today’s market. This is where agile frameworks come into play, as they provide developers with a structure for quickly creating and testing software.

Several different agile frameworks are available, each with its own guidelines and best practices. However, choosing the right framework can be overwhelming, especially for those new to agile development. That’s why this guide aims to introduce you to agile frameworks and discuss relevant topics surrounding this development concept.


What is Agile Framework?

Agile framework is a software development methodology that focuses on delivering customer value quickly and effectively. Agile teams work in quick iterations, releasing working software frequently throughout the development process. It incorporates elements of continuous development—from testing, improvement, feedback loops, and transparency,

Agile frameworks are lighter than traditional development methods, which is why the practices and rules are kept to a minimum. That way, developers can focus on delivering value rather than following a long list of rules and regulations that will prolong the entire process.


Benefits of an Agile Framework

Agile frameworks offer a variety of benefits, such as: 

Increased customer satisfaction due to the delivery of working software quickly and often. 

Improved collaboration between team members 

Focus on delivering customer value rather than following strict processes 

Improved communication and feedback throughout the development process 

Increased transparency and visibility into the progress of a project.


Popular Agile Frameworks

As you might tell, there are a lot of development concepts that fall under the umbrella of the agile methodology. In the following, you will find an overview of the most popular agile frameworks:



Scrum is a popular agile framework focusing on delivering customer value quickly and efficiently. It is based on an iterative approach; meaning teams work in short sprints to develop small pieces of working software.



Kanban is an agile framework that focuses on managing workflow and tracking progress. It increases transparency by making the current state of development visible to everyone, allowing teams to quickly identify and address potential problems.


Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is a practice that promotes collaboration, communication, and feedback. It emphasizes the importance of customer involvement throughout the development process and encourages teams to focus on delivering small pieces of working software frequently.


Feature Driven Development (FDD)

This agile framework emphasizes the delivery of features (or functions) for a product. It focuses on helping developers break down tasks into smaller chunks and track progress in each feature. With this framework, teams can focus on delivering customer value without getting lost in the overall complexity of a project.


Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

This is another agile framework that focuses on delivering customer value quickly and effectively. It encourages teams to work in small increments and deliver working software early and often. This is done by following a disciplined process that includes planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and deployment.


Adaptive Software Development (ASD)

Adaptive Software Development (ASD) is an agile framework that focuses on responding to change quickly and effectively. It emphasizes the importance of feedback and transparency throughout the development process, allowing teams to make changes as necessary.


Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

Feature-Driven Development (FDD) is an agile framework that focuses on delivering features (or functions) for a product. It encourages teams to break down tasks into smaller chunks and track progress in each feature. With this framework, teams can focus on delivering customer value without getting lost in the overall complexity of a project.


The Crystal Methodology

The Crystal Methodology is an agile framework that focuses on creating the best workplace environment for developers. It emphasizes communication, collaboration, and feedback throughout the development process and encourages teams to use their judgment when making decisions.


Lean Software Development (LSD)

This is another agile framework that focuses on delivering customer value quickly and effectively. It encourages teams to work in small increments and deliver working software early and often. This is done by following a disciplined process that includes planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and deployment.


Choosing the Right Agile Framework

With various agile frameworks, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all method, after all. However, certain factors can influence the type of agile framework you choose. These factors include the following:


Company Size

The team and organization size can affect the type of agile framework used. Smaller companies may be better suited for a simple, lightweight approach, such as Kanban, while larger organizations may require a more structured approach, such as Scrum or FDD.


Project Scope

The scope of the project can also influence the type of agile framework used. If the project is focused on delivering a specific feature or function, then FDD may be the best option. On the other hand, Scrum or Extreme Programming would be the better option if the project involves multiple teams working together.


Team Structure

A more formal approach, such as DSDM or ASD, may be required if the team is highly structured and disciplined. However, if the team prefers a more organic approach, Agile or Lean may be better suited. 


Available Resources

Another essential factor is the availability of resources. A team with limited resources may be better off using a cost-efficient approach such as Kanban or Lean. On the other hand, if they have a lot of resources and money to invest, they can go for a more complex approach, such as DSDM.


Needs of Stakeholders

It’s important to consider the needs of your stakeholders. If their main priority is quick delivery and customer satisfaction, then a more efficient approach such as Scrum or ASD may be best suited. On the other hand, if they want a more comprehensive and detailed approach, they may opt for a structured framework such as FDD.

These factors are essential in determining which best fits a particular project. By considering these factors, teams can make an informed decision that will help ensure successful product delivery.

With a proper understanding of the various agile frameworks, teams can make the most out of their development process and create products that meet customer needs.


Implements Agile Frameworks with DATAMYTE

Implementing them can be time-consuming and tedious, no matter what agile framework you choose. DATAMYTE simplifies the process with its Digital Clipboard software. With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, teams can quickly create and launch agile projects without technical experience. 

With its easy-to-use features and intuitive design, teams can quickly set up agile projects and collaborate effectively with stakeholders. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard offers a drag-and-drop interface, templates, dashboards, and more. It also allows teams to quickly customize their agile projects with the click of a button.

By using the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, teams can easily implement and manage agile frameworks. Book a demo with us today to learn more about how its Digital Clipboard can help streamline the agile process.



Agile frameworks provide teams with a flexible and efficient way to develop projects. With the right agile framework, teams can quickly deliver products that meet customer needs. However, choosing the right framework is also essential. Use the above factors to influence the type of agile framework you choose. 

Consider using DATAMYTE’s Digital Clipboard software to quickly set up and manage agile projects. Get started today!



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