Design Thinking vs Agile: A Comparison Guide

Agile vs. design thinking, an innovative approach combining them is the key to developing robust, user-centered solutions. Learn more!

Last Updated on September 27, 2023 by Ossian Muscad

An innovative approach combining agile vs. design Thinking is the key to developing robust, user-centered solutions. Both approaches aim to promote innovation, cooperation, and adaptability. However, they have particular features and might be better suited for specific use cases. Agile vs. Design Thinking, this post will discuss the distinctions between them and help you decide which approach is appropriate for your project.


What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is a problem-solving and innovation method that is user-centered. It puts a lot of emphasis on figuring out user demands, looking at multiple points of view, and developing unique solutions. Design Thinking facilitates collaboration, experimentation, and empathy to produce user-centric outcomes. Principles guide the Design Thinking methodology:

  • Empathy: To develop beneficial solutions, it is essential to fully understand user demands, sentiments, and motivations.
  • Define: Identifying the problem at hand and describing the desired outcome.
  • Ideate: To formulate a variety of ideas without bias or boundaries.
  • Prototype: The creation of a prototype that enables the gathering of suggestions and concept improvement.
  • Test: Iterative testing and prototype refinement are done in light of user feedback and insights.


What is Agile Methodology?

The agile methodology is a gradual and iterative approach to project management. It emphasizes adaptability, continuous improvement, and quick access to software. Agile divides a project into short feedback loops called sprints, which enable teams to respond to change quickly and effectively. The agile technique is built on these concepts:

  • Agile gives teamwork and effective communication a high priority. It puts people and interactions ahead of procedures and equipment.
  • Providing functional software is given priority over creating comprehensive documentation. 
  • Contract negotiations should take precedence over customer engagement since agile development fosters constant customer involvement.
  • Agile welcomes change as a strategy to improve the outcome and satisfy evolving demands rather than following a plan.


There are several different types of agile frameworks including Scrum, Kanban, and Crystal. These frameworks provide guidelines and suggested methods for incorporating the Agile methodology into projects.


Design Thinking VS. Agile Methodology

Agile vs. Design Thinking, they share similar characteristics, such as emphasizing iterative development and collaboration, they diverge in their primary goals and implementation strategies.

Various Methods

The main goal of agile methodology is to create software that works properly and iteratively. It functions effectively for initiatives that call for constant development, including various parties. Agile encourages adaptable planning, transparent communication, and consistent feedback loops.

On the other hand, Design Thinking strongly emphasizes understanding user needs and developing innovative solutions. This deeper and human-centered approach prioritizes empathy, creativity, and experimentation. Design thinking is especially useful when problem-solving, concept-generating, and user-centered design are essential.


Agile and Design Thinking both use distinct strategies, but they also share the same attributes:

  • Both methodologies promote team collaboration and effective communication. 
  • Both encourage a mindset of ongoing learning as well as development.
  • Agile and Design Thinking methods place a high priority on user participation and input.
  • Flexibility and adaptability in reaction to changing demands or inquiries are highly valued in both techniques.


Although they have certain similarities, Agile and Design Thinking have different main goals and areas of attention:

  • While Design Thinking concentrates on problem-solving and creativity, the Agile approach is more concerned with project management, delivery, and iterative development.
  • While Design Thinking is easier to change and adapt to, Agile is more rigid and framework-focused.
  • Agile teams produce results progressively and work in sprints, whereas Design Thinking entails iterative testing and solution development.
  • In contrast to Agile, Design Thinking places more value on empathy and user-centric design.


What Methodology is Best for Your Project?

Various elements need to be carefully considered to develop the ideal strategy for your project. The following crucial factors can help you make a well-informed decision:

  • Goals. Consider the scope and the specific outcomes you desire. The agile technique works well for projects that require iterative development and software delivery, as Design Thinking works best for tasks that call for problem-solving, user analysis, and brainstorming.
  • Team Members. Assess your team’s skills and expertise. The agile technique demands cross-functional teams with various talents to ensure successful collaboration and development. Design Thinking benefits from a group of specialists that can bring various perspectives and concepts to the project development.
  • Problem Difficulty. Consider how challenging the problem you’re trying to address. If fixing the problem requires a methodical and structured approach, agile methodology can be more appropriate. Design Thinking can provide a beneficial framework for inquiry and innovation for complicated issues that demand custom solutions.


Why do Agile and Design Thinking Work Better Together?

Design Thinking vs. Agile, can work together to establish a user-centric environment that emphasizes quick iterations to achieve the best results. Use agile development to produce solutions to your identified problems via Design Thinking continuously. Here are three suggestions to bear in mind for teams wishing to employ Agile and Design Thinking:

  • Start slowly. Concentrate on low-risk, high-value possibilities to get a background integrating Design Thinking and Agile. Take on increasingly difficult projects as your skill set develops.
  • Build multidisciplinary teams. Create interdisciplinary teams that collaborate on developing and creating solutions to foster the necessary innovation. The staff and end users should be close to one another to encourage regular communication.
  • Match development and design. Agile teams tend to begin coding right away, so there can be disagreement over how much time should be spent on Design Thinking before starting development. Ensure that the team is aware of the importance of the brainstorming, definition, and empathy phases and how Design Thinking is used throughout the process rather than just at the beginning. The development team should also be willing to discover new user insights, redefine the situation, and go on with an entirely new rationale.


Implement Agile and Design Thinking With Low-code

As businesses adapt to change, so are their enterprise applications. A low-code platform like DATAMYTE that employs both Design Thinking and Agile Methodology can make it simpler for developers to facilitate new functionality and features to their user-centered applications. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a low-code automation software that features the following capabilities:

Rapid Application Development. Develop and iterate creative and effective solutions to users’ problems by employing the insights collected during the empathy stage.

  • Build functional prototypes promptly by utilizing visual modeling and the ease of drag-and-drop interface to bring concepts to life.
  • The Digital Clipboard provides a range of reusable UI elements that can be used to quickly assemble and edit visuals.
  • Seeing apps as they are being created allows developers to collaborate with users to quickly iterate and gain feedback.

Prioritize User Demands. Provide applications that meet user and organizational goals. DATAMYTE facilitates teams in maintaining user-centeredness across the app conception and development.

  • Encourage IT specialists, users, and stakeholders to collaborate in their design thinking.
  • Publish and distribute prototypes promptly and gather user feedback for iteration.
  • The development environment includes an inherent feedback loop that can be used to gain further insights.

Seamlessly transition from concept to production. DATAMYTE allows teams to produce functional prototypes that easily transition into functional production apps. 

  • Augment prototypes with extensive interface and algorithms.
  • Utilize the built-in Agile project management tools such as sprints and backlogs to create apps iteratively.
  • Utilize standard high reliability and recovery for web-scale operations to swiftly deploy and scale apps.

Foster consistency. Maintain app consistency as developers can use user-experience design tools as they build. 

  • Build a business design language using a custom brand theme that includes templates, widgets, and reusable elements employed. 
  • Utilizing reusable user-interface elements inspired by industry standards would enable citizen developers without user-interface design expertise to deliver excellent user-experience apps.


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You can develop a flexible and effective development approach that promotes user-centric solutions, quick prototyping, and continuous improvement by integrating both Design Thinking and Agile. This strategy enables more rapid development cycles while maintaining the user expectations for the final solution.



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