A Comprehensive Guide To Competency Assessment: What Is It & How To Make Your Own Template

A Comprehensive Guide To Competency Assessment What Is It & How To Make Your Own Template

Last Updated on October 19, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

Employees are important assets in any organization. However, the truth is that employees are only essential if they have the right competencies. This is where competency assessments come in. With this type of assessment, you can ensure that your employees can contribute to the organization in the most effective way possible.

This guide will show you everything you need to know about competency assessment, including how to create your own competency assessment template.


What Is a Competency Assessment?

A competency assessment assesses an individual’s ability to perform a specific task or job. Competency assessments measure employee skills, knowledge, and abilities. They are often used with other assessment methods, such as interviews and aptitude tests. 

Competency assessment tests are conducted against pre-defined benchmarks and job requirements to produce a competency score. The competency score is then used to identify which employees possess the necessary skills for a specific job.

Competency assessments also aim to determine gaps in skills, knowledge, and abilities. By identifying these gaps, organizations can provide employees with the necessary training and development to improve their competencies.


Why Perform Competency Assessments?

There are several reasons why competency assessments are important, including the following:

  • To identify the qualities required for a specific job
  • To identify gaps in competencies
  • To select the right employees for a job
  • To assess the competencies of current employees
  • To provide employees with training and development opportunities


What is a Competency Assessment Template?

A competency assessment template is used to assess an individual’s competencies systematically. A competency assessment template typically includes a list of competencies that need to be assessed and a rating system. This rating system is used to score the individual’s competencies.

The competency assessment template is then used to create a competency report. This competency report can identify competency gaps and provide employees with development opportunities like training, workshops, and seminars.


An effective competency assessment template should cover four important categories when assessing an employee’s overall capability:



This competency assesses an individual’s ability to perform specific tasks. For example, if you are assessing the competency of a software developer, you would want to assess their ability to code.



This competency assesses an individual’s ability to interact with others. For example, if you are assessing the competency of a salesperson, you would want to assess their ability to communicate and build relationships.



This competency assesses an individual’s attitude and behavior. For example, if you are assessing the competency of a customer service representative, you would want to assess their ability to handle difficult customer inquiries.



This competency assesses an individual’s ability to work within an organization. For example, if you are assessing the competency of a project manager, you would want to assess their ability to lead and manage teams.


Creating Your Competency Assessment Template

Now that you know what competency assessments are and why they are important, it’s time to learn how to create your own competency assessment template.

When creating your competency assessment template, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure your competency assessment template covers all four competency categories: technical, interpersonal, behavioral, and organizational.
  2. Use a rating system to score the individual’s competencies. This rating system will be used to create the competency report. For example, you could use a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest competency score and 5 being the highest.
  3. Include a list of competencies that need to be assessed in your competency assessment template. This list should be specific to the job you are assessing for. For example, if you are assessing the competency of a software developer, your competency list should include items such as “ability to code” and “ability to troubleshoot software issues.”
  4. Use your competency assessment template to create a competency report. By conducting a competency report, you and your team can discover where there are development opportunities. This can be in the form of additional training, education, or workshops.
  5. Conduct competency assessments on a regular basis. Conducting a competency assessment shouldn’t just be a one-time thing. By conducting competency assessments regularly, you can ensure that your employees are always developing and growing in their roles.


By following these steps, you can create an effective competency assessment template that will help you assess your employees’ competencies.


Competency Assessment Sample

To give you a better idea of what a competency assessment looks like, here is a competency assessment sample:

Role: Computer Programmer

Overall Competency Rating: Highly Competent (95% score)

Recommendations: Employees are highly competent and require no further development.

  • Job knowledge: Excellent – The employee has a strong understanding of the subject matter and can apply it to their work skills.
  • Productivity: Fair – The employee can finish the job on the target date.
  • Work Quality: Excellent – Employee can produce high-quality work that meets or exceeds expectations.
  • Communication: Excellent – The employee can communicate effectively with co-workers and management.
  • Creativity: Good – The employee can come up with new ideas and solutions.
  • Attendance: Excellent – Employee has a good attendance record.
  • Initiative: Excellent – The employee can take the initiative in their work.
  • Teamwork: Excellent – The employee can work effectively in a team.
  • Dependability: Excellent – Employees can execute and complete tasks without much supervision.


This competency assessment sample shows that the employee is highly competent and requires no further development. The competency assessment also provides recommendations. 


Create Competency Assessment Templates with DATAMYTE

Now that you know how to create a competency assessment template, it’s time to learn how to streamline the competency assessment process. With DATAMYTE, you’ll be able to create employee competency assessment templates tailored to your specific needs.

Paper-based competency assessments take a long to complete and are difficult to gather actionable insights. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard aims to negate those inefficiencies by allowing you to assess employees competently in real-time using a digital template.

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a workflow automation software with a smart form builder that lets you create competency assessment templates without a single line of code. With the DataMyte Digital Clipboard, you’ll be able to:

  • Create competency assessment templates in minutes using a drag-and-drop interface
  • Easily add, remove, or edit competencies as needed
  • Automatically generate competency reports that are easy to understand
  • Get insights into competency trends over time
  • Share competency reports with decision-makers in your organization


The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is the perfect tool for competency assessments. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, you’ll be able to create competency assessment templates tailored to your specific needs. So book a demo now and get started with the DataMyte Digital Clipboard today!



Every company needs the best out of their employees to maintain a leading position in their industry. A competency assessment can help you identify the areas where your employees need improvement and track their progress over time. 

Use this guide to competency assessment to create your own competency assessment template and streamline the competency assessment process in your organization. 



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