What is an Indoor Quality Assessment Checklist, and How to Create One?

Creating an indoor air quality assessment checklist is paramount to ensuring the health and comfort of occupants. Click here to learn how!

Last Updated on October 9, 2023 by Ossian Muscad

Maintaining optimal indoor air quality is a requisite for ensuring health and safety within various enclosed spaces. A potent tool to achieve this is an Indoor Quality Assessment Checklist. This checklist helps systematically evaluate and manage air quality in indoor environments, paving the way for achieving high standards of safety and comfort for occupants. 

Creating a comprehensive checklist requires a focused approach and understanding key parameters impacting indoor air quality. This guide will walk you through the basics of an indoor air quality checklist and provide tips on crafting one.


What is an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist?

An Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist is a structured tool to monitor, assess, and enhance air quality within enclosed spaces. This checklist operates on the basis of key parameters such as temperature, humidity, ventilation, carbon dioxide levels, and the presence of airborne contaminants. 

By systematically evaluating these factors, the checklist aids in identifying potential issues, enabling timely intervention and mitigation. The ultimate goal of using an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist is to ensure the indoor environment is safe, comfortable, and conducive to the health and well-being of its occupants.


The Impact of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can significantly affect health and overall well-being. These impacts range from immediate physical discomfort to the development of long-term chronic illnesses. Understanding these potential effects can underscore the importance of diligent indoor air quality management. Here’s an exhaustive list of impacts due to poor indoor air quality:

  • Respiratory Irritation and Infections: Poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory irritation and facilitate the spread of airborne infections.
  • Allergies: Indoor allergens and particulates can trigger allergic reactions.
  • Asthma Exacerbation: Contaminants in indoor air can worsen asthma symptoms.
  • Eye Irritation: Airborne irritants can cause discomfort and redness in the eyes.
  • Skin Irritation: Certain pollutants can cause dryness, itching, or irritated skin.
  • Fatigue and Headaches: Inadequate ventilation and high levels of pollutants can lead to fatigue and headaches.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are emitted from certain solids or liquids and can cause various health effects.
  • Cardiovascular Effects: Long-term exposure to polluted air can lead to cardiovascular diseases.
  • Sick Building Syndrome (SBS): This refers to a situation where occupants experience health issues linked to time spent in a building with poor air quality.
  • Aggravation of Chronic Conditions: Poor indoor air quality can exacerbate chronic conditions.
  • Long-term Health Risks: Prolonged exposure to polluted indoor air may lead to severe health complications, including lung cancer.
  • Reduced Cognitive Function: Research has linked poor indoor air quality to decreased cognitive function.
  • Decreased Quality of Life: The combined effects of poor indoor air quality can significantly reduce quality of life.
  • Impact on Vulnerable Populations: Infants, elderly people, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable to poor indoor air quality.


These impacts underline the importance of using an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist for maintaining high-quality indoor environments. That’s why it’s critical to know what factors to include in your checklist and how to create one.


Advantages of Using an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist

Utilizing an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist brings numerous benefits, surpassing the sole advantage of improved air quality. It provides a robust mechanism for identifying and rectifying potential hazards, ensuring a safer, healthier, and more productive indoor environment. 

With that said, here are the distinct advantages of using an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist:

Healthier Indoor Environment

Using a checklist helps maintain a healthier indoor environment by identifying potential pollutants and mitigating their impact, thus reducing the health risks associated with poor air quality, such as allergies, respiratory infections, and chronic illnesses.

Enhanced Comfort

A well-ventilated, pollutant-free indoor environment provides enhanced comfort to occupants. This results in fewer complaints about discomfort or health issues related to poor indoor air quality.

Improved Air Quality

An Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist aids in systematically evaluating and managing key air quality parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and pollutant levels, resulting in substantial improvements in indoor air quality.

Preventive Maintenance

The checklist acts as a preventive maintenance tool, helping identify potential issues before they escalate into significant problems, thereby preventing costly repairs and replacements.

Regulatory Compliance

Using an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist ensures compliance with local, regional, and national air quality standards and regulations, helping avoid potential penalties and legal issues.

Increased Productivity

Improved indoor air quality often leads to increased productivity. A healthier, more comfortable environment can enhance focus, reduce fatigue, and increase overall occupant satisfaction.

Cost Savings

By ensuring timely identification and resolution of air quality issues, the checklist can result in significant cost savings. It can prevent expensive equipment damage, reduce health-related absences, and decrease the need for potential legal interactions.

Property Value

Maintaining high indoor air quality adds value to the property. It is a strong selling point, especially in residential spaces, where potential buyers are increasingly concerned about air quality.

Occupant Satisfaction

High indoor air quality contributes to occupant satisfaction. Occupants comfortable and healthy in their environment are more likely to report higher satisfaction levels.

Data-driven Decision-making

Finally, an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist provides a structured, quantifiable approach to assessing air quality, allowing for data-driven decision-making, which can improve the effectiveness of interventions and air quality improvement strategies.


What Items to Include in an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist?

Creating an effective Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist necessitates a thorough understanding of the key factors influencing indoor air quality. This involves systematically evaluating several elements that contribute to the overall air quality within an indoor space. 

The following checklist outline provides an extensive list of items that should be included in an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist:

  • Ventilation: Check the functionality and efficiency of ventilation systems to ensure adequate air exchange.
  • Temperature Control: Evaluate temperature levels within the indoor space. Too high or too low temperatures might indicate poor air quality.
  • Humidity Levels: Measure indoor humidity levels. High humidity can increase the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Airborne Particulates: Assess the levels of airborne particulates, including dust, pollen, and other allergens.
  • Chemical Pollutants: Identify the presence and levels of chemical pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon monoxide.
  • Biological Contaminants: Check for the presence of biological contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and mold.
  • Odor: Pay attention to any unusual or unpleasant odors that might indicate an air quality problem.
  • Building Materials: Evaluate the building materials used, as they can sometimes release harmful pollutants into the air.
  • Occupant Complaints: Document complaints from occupants regarding air quality, discomfort, or health issues.
  • Air Cleaning Equipment: Inspect the condition and performance of air cleaning devices such as air purifiers and filters.
  • Maintenance Records: Review the building’s maintenance records to understand past air quality issues and the steps taken to resolve them.
  • Compliance Standards: Ensure the indoor environment complies with local and national air quality standards.


This comprehensive list aids in establishing a healthier and safer indoor environment, promoting the well-being of all occupants.


How to Use an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist?

Using an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist is a systematic and straightforward process. It involves thoroughly examining the indoor environment, referencing the items listed on the checklist, and implementing necessary measures to improve air quality based on the findings. 

The following steps will guide you through how to effectively utilize an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist:

Initial Review

Start by reading through the entire checklist to familiarize yourself with the items needing assessment. This helps you understand what to look for and prepares you to effectively evaluate the indoor environment.

On-site Assessment

Conduct a walk-through of the indoor space, carefully assessing each item on the checklist. Look for signs of poor air quality, such as mold, odors, or excessive dust. Take note of the temperature and humidity levels and check the functionality of ventilation systems.

Document Findings

Record your findings for each item on the checklist. Be as detailed as possible, noting the severity of any issues discovered, their potential causes, and the occupants’ complaints, if any.

Analyze Results

Analyze the collected data to gain insights into the indoor air quality. Identify the areas that need improvement and prioritize them based on the severity of the issues identified.

Implement Improvement Measures

Based on the analysis, take necessary measures to rectify the issues. This could involve cleaning, making adjustments to the ventilation systems, or implementing new air quality policies.

Monitor and Reassess

Continuously monitor the indoor environment to ensure the implemented measures are effective. Regularly reassess the air quality using the checklist and make necessary adjustments as required.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist to ensure a safe, healthy, and comfortable indoor environment.


Create an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist Using a Low-code Platform

Creating an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist on a low-code platform is straightforward and efficient. These platforms are known for their user-friendly interfaces requiring minimal programming knowledge. 

Step 1: Selection of Template

First, select the checklist or form template from the platform’s library. If no existing template fits your exact needs, you can easily create one from scratch due to the intuitive drag-and-drop interface that most low-code platforms have.

Step 2: Customize the Template

Next, customize the template to include the relevant checklist items for an Indoor Air Quality Assessment. You can add fields for all the items discussed earlier, like ventilation, temperature control, humidity levels, airborne particulates, and more. Each field can be designed to register a pass/fail or numeric rating and include space for additional comments or observations.

Step 3: Implement Logic

Low-code platforms often provide the ability to implement logic in your forms. This means you can set certain triggers based on the input data. For instance, if high levels of chemical pollutants are recorded, it could trigger an alert to a specified team member to investigate further.

Step 4: Distribution and Usage

Once you’re satisfied with your checklist, you can distribute it to your team. The beauty of a low-code platform is that your checklist can easily be accessed on various devices, from desktops to tablets to mobile phones. This allows for real-time updates and data collection, which is critical for timely intervention and decision-making.

Step 5: Data Analysis and Reporting

Lastly, low-code platforms generally offer robust data analysis and reporting capabilities. The data collected from your Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist can be automatically analyzed to provide insights into trends and improvement areas. Reports can be generated at the click of a button, making it easy to share findings with stakeholders.

You can streamline indoor air quality assessments by leveraging a low-code platform, improving efficiency and effectiveness. Digitalizing the checklist also facilitates data management and accessibility, enhancing your ability to maintain high indoor air quality and occupant satisfaction.



DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. The DataMyte Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a checklist and smart form builder. This tool lets you create a comprehensive Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist to use and share with your team.

To create a checklist or form template using DATAMYTE, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the DATAMYTE software and navigate to the ‘Checklist’ module.
  2. Click “Create Checklist.”
  3. Add a title to your checklist or template; select the category where it belongs.
  4. Add items to the checklist or template by clicking “Add Item.” 
  5. Define the description of each item, what type of answer it requires, and other relevant specifications (e.g., reference documents, acceptance criteria, limits).
  6. Assign a team member responsible for inspecting using the checklist or template.
  7. Add signature fields for approvals (e.g., supervisors, quality assurance personnel).
  8. Save the checklist or template—you can now access it anywhere, and it will be available on any device.


DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits, a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for creating and implementing Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklists. Book a demo now to learn how DATAMYTE can help you improve your indoor air quality management processes.  



Maintaining optimal indoor air quality is paramount to ensuring the health and comfort of occupants. This task becomes much more manageable with the right tools, such as an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist. Use the information and steps outlined in this article to create your checklist tailored to your unique needs. 

In addition, leveraging low-code platforms like DATAMYTE further simplifies the process, streamlining data collection, analysis, and reporting. So, don’t take indoor air quality lightly; utilize the power of technology and protect the well-being of your indoor space occupants.



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