A Comprehensive Guide to Preschool Safety Checklist: Ensuring a Risk-Free Environment For Preschoolers

Safeguard your child's well-being! Click here to discover the ultimate preschool classroom safety checklist for a secure environment.

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

When it comes to the safety of our children, we want to take every precaution possible. This is especially true for our preschoolers, who are just starting to explore the world independently. For this reason, a preschool safety checklist is essential for any preschool classroom. This tool will ensure that your classroom and other school facilities proactively address health and safety risks and comply with all safety regulations.

This guide will provide a comprehensive checklist of safety measures you can take in your preschool classroom. We’ll also discuss some common health and safety risks for preschoolers and how to avoid them. Let’s get started!


What is a Preschool Safety Check?

A preschool safety check is a list of safety measures that should be taken to create a safe and healthy environment for preschoolers. Teachers, administrators, and other school staff can use this list to ensure that all areas of the preschool are safe for children.

A preschool safety check involves thoroughly inspecting the preschool premises and its facilities. This includes the classrooms, playgrounds, bathrooms, kitchens, and other areas where preschoolers may be present. All potential hazards should be identified and addressed to create a safe environment for children.


Why is a Preschool Safety Check Important?

A Preschool Safety Check is paramount for several reasons, emphasizing the unique vulnerability of preschool-aged children. Primarily, it helps in the early identification and mitigation of potential hazards that could lead to injuries or health problems among young learners. These children are at a critical stage of development where their natural curiosity often leads them into potentially dangerous situations without the awareness of associated risks.

Therefore, a comprehensive safety check acts as a preemptive measure, ensuring that all physical spaces and learning materials within the preschool environment are age-appropriate, secure, and free from hazards. Conducting regular safety checks aligns with legal and ethical standards, demonstrating a commitment to upholding the welfare of the children in care. It reassures parents and guardians that the institution prioritizes their child’s safety and well-being, fostering a sense of trust and security.

Compliance with safety regulations not only protects preschoolers but also shields the institution from liability issues and enhances its reputation as a safe and dependable educational environment. Therefore, the importance of preschool safety checks transcends beyond mere regulatory compliance, embedding itself as a fundamental practice in nurturing a safe, healthy, and conducive learning atmosphere for the youngest members of our society.


Key Points to Keep Preschools Safe and Secure

Ensuring the safety of preschoolers requires a proactive and comprehensive approach. By identifying potential risks and taking appropriate precautions, we can create a safe and nurturing environment for the youngest learners. The following key points outline crucial steps to achieve and maintain a secure setting for preschoolers.

Conduct a Risk Assessment

Conducting a risk assessment involves systematically identifying potential hazards within the preschool environment that could harm children, staff, or visitors. This process should cover all areas accessible to preschoolers, including classrooms, playgrounds, and communal areas. The risk assessment should be performed regularly and whenever there are changes in the environment or routines, ensuring that all risks are identified and evaluated.

Implement Safety Measures

After identifying potential hazards through a risk assessment, the next step is to implement safety measures to mitigate these risks. This can include installing child-proof locks, gating staircases, securing heavy objects to prevent tipping, and ensuring that all materials used are non-toxic and age-appropriate. Effective safety measures also involve establishing clear protocols for emergencies, such as fire drills and lockdown procedures.

Educate Staff and Parents

Educating staff and parents about safety protocols and emergency procedures is vital to ensuring a cohesive and informed community. Training sessions should be organized regularly so that staff stay updated on the latest safety guidelines and first-aid procedures. Parents should also be informed about safety policies and encouraged to reinforce these measures at home.

Regularly Inspect the Premises

Regular inspections of the premises are essential to ensure that safety measures are effectively implemented and maintained. These inspections should check for potential hazards like sharp edges, loose fittings, or hazardous materials within reach of children. It’s also essential to ensure that emergency exits are clear and that safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and first-aid kits, is easily accessible and in good condition.

Address Potential Hazards Immediately

When potential hazards are identified, either through risk assessments or regular inspections, it is crucial to address them immediately. This swift action minimizes the risk of accidents and demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a safe environment. Whether it’s repairing damaged equipment or removing hazardous materials, prompt response is key to child safety in preschool settings.


What is a Preschool Safety Checklist?

A Preschool Safety Checklist is an essential tool designed to systematically ensure that all aspects of a preschool’s environment are safe and conducive to the well-being and development of young children. It serves as a comprehensive guide for educators, administrators, and caregivers to evaluate and enhance safety measures within their facilities. This checklist typically covers a wide range of areas that are relevant to preschool safety.

The checklist encourages regular inspections for potential hazards that may arise from environmental conditions, materials used, interactions between children and staff, or emergency situations. By systematically addressing each item on the Preschool Safety Checklist, preschools can proactively minimize risks and foster a secure, healthy learning environment where children can explore, learn, and grow with confidence.


What to Include in a Preschool Safety Checklist?

A comprehensive Preschool Safety Checklist is integral to maintaining a secure and nurturing environment for young children. This checklist covers various aspects crucial to child welfare, from classrooms to outdoor play areas, ensuring every nook of the preschool abides by the highest safety standards.

Classrooms and Administrative Areas

These areas should be organized, clutter-free, and designed with child safety in mind. All furniture should be stable and age-appropriate, with no sharp edges, securing heavy bookshelves or equipment to prevent tipping. Electrical outlets need to be covered, and all materials, including toys and learning aids, should be non-toxic and free from small parts that could pose choking hazards. It’s crucial to maintain a clear path to emergency exits and ensure that all safety equipment is easily accessible.

Restrooms and Toileting Areas

Safety in restrooms and toileting areas involves ensuring these spaces are clean, well-lit, and easily accessible to children without compromising their privacy and safety. Surfaces should be sanitized regularly to prevent the spread of germs, and supplies like soap and paper towels should always be within reach of children. Non-slip mats and child-sized facilities can prevent accidents, while adult supervision is necessary to ensure children safely use these areas.


Outdoor play areas should be secured and enclosed to prevent unauthorized access and to ensure children remain safely within the premises. Playground equipment must be checked regularly for wear and tear, sharp edges, or any potential hazards like exposed bolts or broken parts. Surfaces under play equipment should be made of impact-absorbing materials, such as rubber mats or mulch, to minimize injury risk from falls. It’s also crucial to ensure play areas are free from hazardous materials, such as pesticides or toxic plants, and that there’s adequate shade to protect children from sun exposure.


Sample Preschool Safety Checklist

The Preschool Safety Checklist is an invaluable resource for educators and caregivers aimed at creating a secure and nurturing environment for young learners. It outlines essential safety measures and procedures to protect children from potential hazards in and around preschool settings. This sample checklist serves as a proactive approach to child safety, ensuring every child enjoys a safe and enriching early learning experience in every part of the preschool.


Sample Preschool Safety Checklist

Classrooms and Administrative Areas

  • Keep floors dry and promptly clean up any spills.
  • Store toys appropriately to avoid cluttering walkways.
  • Secure all electrical cords away from children’s reach.
  • Ensure electrical outlets are covered or equipped with child-proof safety features.
  • Lock away cleaning supplies and personal items belonging to staff.
  • Maintain cleanliness and sanitation in all food service areas.
  • Surfaces such as floors, walls, and the exteriors of trash bins are kept clean.
  • Regularly clean all carpets and rugs and ensure they are free from tripping hazards.
  • Clean and maintain all toys, materials, and equipment to ensure they are in perfect working condition.
  • Keep soft items like dress-up clothes, dolls, and costumes clean.
  • Ensure sleeping surfaces like cots are cleaned regularly.
  • Verify that no toxic plants are present in the area.
  • Make heaters, registers, fans, and similar items inaccessible to children.
  • Check the First Aid kit regularly to ensure it is fully stocked.
  • Maintain a clean and well-maintained physical environment, checking for and repairing any chipped, broken, or splintered surfaces.
  • Regularly check for and address peeling paint, broken windows, and torn or frayed floor coverings.
  • Keep furniture clean and in good condition, ensuring it is free of hazards like protruding nails, torn padding, sharp edges, or splinters.
  • Arrange furniture to prevent tipping and anchor it securely to prevent accidents.

Restrooms and Toileting Areas

  • Display clear instructions for proper handwashing.
  • Ensure cleanliness of sinks, faucets, countertops, and soap dispensers.
  • Keep tissues, soap, and disposable towels accessible to children.
  • Maintain a fresh bleach and water solution in clearly labeled and dated spray bottles.
  • All surfaces associated with toileting, including doors and handles, should be clean.
  • Floors should be kept dry and clear of spills or puddles.


  • All toys, equipment, and materials are maintained in excellent condition.
  • Sufficient protective surfacing is present underneath playground equipment.
  • Playground equipment is appropriately sized for the age group it serves.
  • Any broken equipment is either removed or restricted from use.
  • There are no damaged toys, balls, or equipment present.
  • Glass doors are clearly marked to avoid accidents.
  • The surrounding fence is well-maintained.
  • The playground is clear of any rubbish, litter, debris, animal feces, fallen power lines, etc.
  • Playground equipment does not have any protruding dangers like loose bolts or screws.
  • There is no rust or fractures on any of the equipment.
  • All equipment edges are smooth and free from sharpness.
  • No splinters are present on any wooden surfaces.
  • Equipment does not have hazardous gaps.
  • The playground area is devoid of trip hazards such as exposed roots.
  • There are no ditches, holes, or any areas of standing water within the playground.
  • The playground surface is even, with no uneven concrete or asphalt patches.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How often should the Preschool Safety Checklist be reviewed and updated?

The Preschool Safety Checklist should be reviewed and updated at least annually to ensure it addresses new safety guidelines and reflects changes in the physical environment or preschool operations. Additionally, it’s advisable to review the checklist after any significant incident to incorporate any learned safety improvements.

Q2: Who’s responsible for implementing the Preschool Safety Checklist?

The responsibility for implementing the Preschool Safety Checklist typically falls on the preschool administrators and teachers. However, all staff members, including maintenance, kitchen, and cleaning personnel, play a crucial role in maintaining a safe environment and should be trained on relevant sections of the checklist.

Q3: Can the Preschool Safety Checklist be customized for different preschool settings?

Absolutely. The Preschool Safety Checklist is designed to be adaptable to different preschool settings. Administrators are encouraged to customize the checklist to better suit their specific environment, operational practices, and the unique needs of their children and staff.

Q4: What should be done if a hazard is identified using the Preschool Safety Checklist?

If a hazard is identified, it should be addressed immediately or as soon as it is safely possible to do so. This may involve correcting the hazard directly, removing the hazard, or restricting access to the area until the hazard can be safely managed. All incidents should be documented, including the hazard identified and the corrective action taken.

Q5: How can parents contribute to the implementation of the Preschool Safety Checklist?

Parents can contribute by being proactive in understanding the safety measures outlined in the Preschool Safety Checklist and engaging in open communication with preschool staff about safety concerns. They can also volunteer for safety audits or committees and ensure their children’s items, such as clothing and toys, meet the preschool’s safety standards.

Q6: What role does training play in the effective implementation of the Preschool Safety Checklist?

Training is crucial for ensuring that all staff members understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining a safe environment. It also helps staff stay updated on the latest safety protocols and emergency procedures. Regular training sessions should be conducted to cover the key aspects of the Preschool Safety Checklist and any updates made to it.


Create a Preschool Safety Checklist with DATAMYTE

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you create your own customized Preschool Safety Checklist with ease. You can include specific items, assign tasks to staff members, set deadlines, and track completion status.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits (LPA), a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for managing your preschool’s safety, quality, and compliance. You can easily track and monitor the implementation of your Preschool Safety Checklist, identify areas for improvement, and ensure a safe environment for all children and staff. Book a demo now to learn more.



The Preschool Safety Checklist serves as an essential tool for ensuring the safety and well-being of children in a preschool setting. It covers a comprehensive range of areas, from classroom cleanliness to outdoor playground safety, providing a structured approach to identifying and addressing potential hazards.

Regular review and customization of the checklist according to specific preschool settings, combined with effective training and engagement from all stakeholders, including staff and parents, are key to its successful implementation. By prioritizing safety through such proactive measures, preschools can create a secure and nurturing environment where children can learn, play, and grow with peace of mind.



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