Quality Function Deployment: A Comprehensive Guide

Enhance processes with this guide to Quality Function Deployment. Click here to learn how to deploy quality effectively for business success.

Last Updated on January 15, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. So it’s essential to keep them happy if you want your business to stay in operation for a long time. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a quality management tool that can help you achieve that goal and even exceed your customers’ expectations.

This structured approach incorporates customers’ needs and requirements into every stage of product development — from planning and design to manufacturing and delivery. With QFD, businesses can optimize their product development process to ensure customer satisfaction is always the top priority.

But just how does QFD work, and what makes it so effective? This article will discuss Quality Function Deployment and how it can benefit your business.


What is Quality Function Deployment?

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic process used in product development and operations management. Invented in Japan in the late 1960s by Professors Yoji Akao and Shigeru Mizuno, QFD aims to capture and translate customer requirements into specific product features.

QFD is also known as Total Quality Management (TQM), and it is used by organizations in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and software development to consistently create products that meet or exceed customer expectations. This method involves using structured matrices, often referred to as the “House of Quality,” to visually map and prioritize relationships between customer needs and the means to fulfill these needs.

QFD ensures that each stage of product development—design, manufacturing, marketing, and even service after the sale—aligns with the customer’s desires and expectations, enhancing overall customer satisfaction. By using QFD, organizations can identify and eliminate potential defects early in the product development process, saving time and resources while increasing customer loyalty.


Why is QFD Important?

Quality Function Deployment is a key differentiator for businesses looking to outpace their competitors in the current, highly competitive business landscape. Its importance lies primarily in its customer-centric approach. QFD allows businesses to deeply understand their customers’ needs and translate them into specific product characteristics. This process ensures the development of products that are high in quality and resonate with the target market.

QFD also fosters cross-functional collaboration. It ensures a holistic understanding and implementation of customer requirements by involving multiple departments (e.g., design, production, marketing, and after-sales service). This process results in more balanced end products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations.

QFD also leads to cost savings and increased efficiency. Identifying and mitigating potential problems early in the design process reduces the likelihood of costly changes down the line or product recalls. This proactive approach can also lead to faster time-to-market and a more effective use of resources.

By integrating QFD into their processes, businesses can better anticipate customer needs, improve cross-functional collaboration, increase efficiency, and ultimately improve their competitive advantage.


QFD Benefits

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) offers numerous benefits to businesses aiming to deliver high-quality products tailored to customer needs. From deepening customer understanding to resource allocation, the advantages are manifold. Here, we delve into these benefits and explain how they can transform your business:

  1. Understand Your Customers Better: QFD’s customer-focused approach enables enterprises to gain a deeper understanding of their customers’ needs and desires. This process involves collecting data from various sources – such as surveys, interviews, and customer feedback – and translating this into product features that align with customer expectations.
  2. Promote Continuous Feedback through Customer Feedback: QFD encourages a culture of continuous improvement by leveraging customer feedback. By integrating customer comments and criticisms into product development, businesses can refine and adapt their products over time, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in the market.
  3. Build a Better Structure of Requirements: QFD provides a structured method for translating customer needs into specific requirements for each phase of product development. This structure ensures that all departments – from design and production to marketing – clearly understand what is needed to meet customer expectations, leading to more coherent and customer-focused products.
  4. Allocate Resources More Efficiently: By providing a clear view of the customer’s needs and the corresponding product requirements, QFD helps businesses make better decisions about resource allocation. This clarity can reduce waste, improve efficiency, and ultimately lead to cost savings by ensuring that resources are concentrated on areas that contribute most to customer satisfaction.


What is the House of Quality?

The “House of Quality” is a central concept in Quality Function Deployment (QFD). It is a visual tool that helps teams capture and prioritize customer needs, translate them into specific product requirements, and communicate these requirements across the different stages of product development. The term “House of Quality” comes from the structure’s resemblance to a house, with a correlation matrix forming the roof, customer requirements as the walls, and technical requirements as the foundation.

Structure of the House of Quality

Implementing Quality Function Deployment (QFD) effectively involves a deep understanding of its components, each pivotal role in translating customer needs into product features. One of the integral parts of this process is the ‘House of Quality,’ which comprises several elements. Here, we delve into the critical components of the House of Quality and explain their significance in achieving customer satisfaction and product excellence:

  1. Customer Requirements and Rating: This section captures the voice of the customer, listing out the needs and desires of the customer. Each requirement is rated based on its importance on a scale (e.g., from 1 to 5), providing insights into what the customer values the most in a product.
  2. Technical Design Features: These are specific characteristics or attributes of the product that the company can control in response to customer requirements. They are derived from the customer requirements and form the basis of the product’s design.
  3. Technical Design and Customer Requirements Relationships: This matrix shows the correlation between the customer requirements and the technical design features. It helps identify how each design feature affects the customer requirements, allowing the team to focus on the features that directly impact customer satisfaction.
  4. Design Relationships: This interrelationship matrix shows how different design features affect each other. Understanding these relationships can help avoid conflicts in the design process and ensure that all features work together to meet customer requirements.
  5. Target Values: These are specific, quantifiable goals for each design feature the team aims to achieve in the final product. They serve as a benchmark for evaluating the product’s success in meeting customer requirements.

Creating a House of Quality

Developing a House of Quality is a collaborative process, typically involving representatives from various departments in an organization. The process starts with identifying customer requirements, followed by defining technical requirements. The relationship matrix is then completed to establish linkages between customer and technical requirements.

Interactions between technical requirements are assessed and documented on the roof of the house. Priorities are assigned based on customer importance, competitive assessment, and technical difficulty or cost.

The House of Quality is a significant factor in the QFD process, enabling the systematic translation of customer needs into actionable product requirements. By using the House of Quality, organizations can ensure a customer-centric approach to product development, enhancing customer satisfaction and competitive advantage.


4 Phases of QFD

Quality Function Deployment is a robust process involving several significant phases, each uniquely aligning the product with the customer’s needs. Let’s explore these phases in detail to understand their role in shaping a product that’s truly customer-oriented:

Product Planning

In the Product Planning phase, the House of Quality matrix is utilized to translate the Voice of the Customer (VOC) into tangible design requirements. The VOC is typically gathered through various methods such as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), interviews, and customer interactions using Voice of the Customer templates. This phase ensures the product design aligns with the customer’s needs and expectations.

Product Development

The Product Development phase is where the design requirements are further refined. The team identifies the critical parts and assembly components to bring the design requirements to life. This phase aims to create a detailed product design that addresses all the customer’s needs identified during the product planning phase.

Process Planning

The third phase, Process Planning, is about deciding on the best manufacturing and assembly process to meet the design requirements discussed in the Product Development phase. This phase allows the team to plan how to make the product, considering factors such as cost, efficiency, and quality.

Production Planning

In the final phase of QFD, Production Planning, process control methods, and production and inspection processes are established. This phase ensures that the product is manufactured consistently and meets the quality standards in the design specifications. During this phase, the product moves from concept to reality, ready to meet the customer’s needs as closely as possible.


Tips for a Successful QFD Implementation

Quality function deployment can be daunting for businesses, especially if they have never used it. However, there are a few tips that companies can follow to ensure that they successfully implement and use quality function deployment:

  1. Define the Quality Characteristics of the Product or Service: The first step towards successfully implementing QFD is to clearly define the quality characteristics that the product or service should possess. It involves understanding your customer’s expectations and translating these into specific, measurable attributes. These characteristics include durability, ease of use, performance, and aesthetic appeal.
  2. Establish Relevant Quality Metrics: After defining the quality characteristics, it’s crucial to establish relevant metrics to measure them. This could be in the form of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that allow you to monitor and evaluate the quality of your product or service. Having well-defined metrics not only aids in quality control but also provides tangible targets to strive for.
  3. Optimize Your Processes: Process optimization is a key part of QFD. This involves scrutinizing every step of your production or service delivery process to identify areas for improvement. Optimization might involve redesigning workflows, implementing new technologies, or reallocating resources. The goal is to ensure efficiency and consistency in delivering the desired quality.
  4. Conduct Quality Control Measures: Regular quality control checks are essential in maintaining the desired quality standards. These checks should be conducted at various production or service delivery stages, allowing for timely identification and rectification of any quality issues. Quality control measures might include product inspections, testing, reviews, and audits.
  5. Communicate with All Members of the Development Team: Effective communication is instrumental in successful QFD implementation. It’s essential to keep all team members informed about the quality objectives, progress, and any changes in the plan. Regular meetings, updates, and feedback sessions facilitate this communication, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same quality goals.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is Quality Function Deployment only relevant to manufacturing industries?

No, QFD is a flexible and versatile method that can be applied in any industry where a product or service is being delivered. This includes healthcare, education, IT, and the service sector, among others. It aims to ensure that products or services are designed and delivered in line with customer expectations, making it universally applicable. This level of customer-centricity is increasingly becoming a competitive advantage for businesses in any industry.

Q2: What kind of businesses can benefit from implementing QFD?

Businesses of any size and across industries can benefit from implementing QFD. Whether a startup, a small or medium-sized business, or a large corporation, QFD can help align products or services with customer needs and expectations, enhancing customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. Tailor the QFD approach to fit your business’s unique needs and goals.

Q3: Can QFD be implemented in existing processes or only in new product development?

QFD is not just limited to new product development. It can be applied to improve existing processes, products, or services. It can help identify areas of improvement and optimize them to enhance overall quality and customer satisfaction. That means businesses can continuously use QFD to improve their processes and stay ahead of changing customer needs and market trends. So, it’s never too late to implement QFD and reap its benefits.

Q4: How does QFD handle changes in customer requirements?

QFD is an iterative process. Changes in customer requirements are taken into account during each iteration, allowing the design and development process to evolve as per the changing needs and expectations of customers. This process ensures that the end product or service remains aligned with customer demands. In addition, regular communication and customer feedback can prevent any major deviations from the original design specifications.

Q5: How long does it take to implement QFD?

The duration of QFD implementation can vary greatly depending on the scope and complexity of the product or service, the size of the organization, and the available resources. A well-planned and executed QFD process can take a few weeks to several months. It can also be an ongoing process continuously improved and refined to meet changing customer demands. The key is to dedicate enough time and resources to ensure a successful implementation.

Q6: Is QFD a one-time process or does it require continuous effort?

While QFD begins with developing a new product or service, it is not a one-time process. Continuous effort is required to monitor and manage quality, make necessary adjustments as per customer feedback, and continue to align the product or service with evolving customer needs. This continuous improvement is a fundamental part of the QFD philosophy and is essential for sustained success.


Streamline QFD with DATAMYTE

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you create custom workflows to streamline quality management processes like QFD, making it easier and more efficient for your team to follow the process.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits, a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps. This audit focuses on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for implementing and optimizing QFD in your business. Our platform is designed to help you uncover customer needs, align them with your product or service specifications, and ensure consistent quality delivery while continuously improving. Book a demo now to learn more.



Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a powerful tool that can transform how businesses align their products or services with customer expectations. Through its systematic and customer-focused approach, QFD allows businesses to understand their customers better and ensure consistent delivery of high-quality offerings. It enhances customer satisfaction and provides a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market.

Whether in the manufacturing industry or the service sector, a startup, or a large corporation, QFD can be an invaluable asset in your quality management efforts. It’s a continuous process that evolves with changing customer demands, ensuring your business stays relevant and successful in the long run. Harness the power of QFD today and watch your business thrive.



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