Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Schools Health and Safety Audit Checklist

Creating a Schools Health and Safety Audit Checklist helps ensure students and staff's safety and a healthy environment. Learn how!

Last Updated on October 25, 2023 by Ossian Muscad

In education, creating a nurturing and secure environment for students is paramount. The safety and well-being of students and staff are not just priorities; they’re obligations. One crucial mechanism that ensures schools meet these obligations is the implementation of health and safety audits.

Health and safety audits in schools are not just a matter of compliance; they are a profound commitment to the well-being and development of students. They ensure that schools become safe learning havens where students and staff can thrive without unnecessary risks. In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into what these audits entail and how schools can create effective health and safety audit checklists.


Why Schools Need Health and Safety Audits

The answer lies in the welfare of our most precious assets – the students. Health and safety audits in schools are more than just routine checks; they are comprehensive examinations of the physical and operational aspects of a school’s environment. These audits ensure that everything from the infrastructure to the practices within the school premises aligns with safety standards and regulations.


Key Components of a Health and Safety Audit Checklist

A school health and safety audit checklist is a systematic tool used to assess and ensure the safety and well-being of students, staff, and visitors within a school environment. This checklist covers various health and safety aspects within the school premises, helping school administrators and safety officers identify potential hazards, compliance issues, and areas needing improvement.

Here are the key components typically included in a school health and safety audit checklist:

Building Infrastructure

  • Examination of the physical condition of the school buildings, including walls, ceilings, floors, and structural integrity
  • Assessment of the ventilation and lighting systems to ensure they are functioning properly
  • Inspection of emergency exits and evacuation routes

Classroom Safety

  • Evaluation of classroom layout and organization to ensure that there are no obstructions that could impede student safety
  • Checking the safety of classroom equipment, such as desks, chairs, and whiteboards

Playgrounds and Outdoor Areas

  • Inspection of playground equipment for signs of wear and tear, ensuring it meets safety standards
  • Examination of outdoor play areas to ensure they are free from hazards like broken glass, debris, or uneven surfaces

Fire Safety

  • Assessment of fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and fire alarm systems to ensure they are in working order
  • Conducting fire drills and evaluating the responses of students and staff during the drills

First Aid and Medical Supplies

  • Checking the availability and accessibility of first aid kits and medical supplies
  • Ensuring that staff members are trained in first aid and CPR

Sanitation and Hygiene

  • Inspection of restrooms to ensure cleanliness and maintenance
  • Checking the availability of handwashing facilities and supplies

Security Measures

  • Evaluation of security measures such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and visitor check-in procedures
  • Assessment of how well the school is prepared to respond to security threats and emergencies.

Chemical and Hazardous Materials Safety

  • Inspection of chemical storage areas is necessary to ensure proper labeling and safe storage practices.
  • Verification that staff members are trained in the safe handling of hazardous materials

Pest Control and Cleanliness

  • Assessment of pest control measures to prevent infestations.
  • Checking the overall cleanliness of the school premises.

Training and Education

  • Evaluation of safety training programs for staff and students
  • Ensuring that everyone understands safety protocols and procedures


  • Checking if the school premises are accessible to students and staff with disabilities
  • Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.

Emergency Response Preparedness

  • Review of the school’s emergency response plans for various scenarios, such as natural disasters or lockdowns
  • Evaluation of communication systems in case of emergencies


A well-structured school health and safety audit checklist covers these key components comprehensively. Regular use of such a checklist helps maintain a safe and secure environment for all school community members. It allows for timely identification and correction of potential safety issues.


Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Checklist

Creating a school health and safety audit checklist can be a straightforward process. Here are five simple yet effective steps to effortlessly guide you:

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Determine the specific goals of your audit. What aspects of health and safety do you want to evaluate? This could include building safety, fire preparedness, medical supplies, or other relevant areas.

Step 2: Identify Key Components

Refer to the key components I mentioned (building infrastructure, classroom safety, fire safety, etc.). Select the components that are relevant to your school’s needs.

Step 3: Customize the Checklist

Use a tool like DATAMYTE to create a digital checklist. This tool’s low-code capabilities and drag-and-drop interface make it easy to design a checklist that aligns with your selected components. Customize it to suit your school’s unique requirements.

Step 4: Include Specific Items

Within each component, list specific items to check. For example, under “fire safety,” you might include things like “smoke detectors,” “fire extinguishers,” and “exit signs.”

Step 5: Test and Implement

Test the checklist by conducting a trial audit. Make sure it’s user-friendly and covers all necessary aspects. Then, implement it using the Digital Clipboard tool to perform audits regularly. This tool simplifies data collection, reporting, and follow-up actions.



Following these five steps and utilizing DATAMYTE, you can create an effective and efficient school health and safety audit checklist tailored to your school’s needs. Our Digital Clipboard is a low-code workflow automation software that ensures a systematic approach to maintaining a safe environment for students and staff. It allows you to collect data quickly and accurately, report checklists in real time, and track audit results over time.



By following this step-by-step guide to creating the Schools Health and Safety Audit Checklist, educational institutions can ensure students and staff a safe and healthy environment. The checklist is valuable in identifying potential hazards, implementing preventive measures, and maintaining compliance with health and safety regulations. 

With a robust audit checklist in place, schools can prioritize the well-being of everyone within their premises, fostering an atmosphere conducive to learning and growth.



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