8 Essential Restaurant Checklists to Streamline Your Operations

Enhance your restaurant's efficiency with this guide! Click here to discover 8 essential restaurant checklists to streamline your operations.

Last Updated on January 10, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

Opening and running a restaurant business can be a daunting task. There are many things to consider, from the menu to the floor plan to the marketing strategy. But, one of the most essential aspects of restaurant ownership is creating and using comprehensive checklists.

Checklists help you stay organized and on track, ensuring no detail is overlooked. 

That way, you can focus on the bigger picture and provide your guests with the best possible experience. You will need to create and use several different types of restaurant checklists. This article will outline the eight essential restaurant checklists and what each entails.


What is a Restaurant Checklist?

A restaurant checklist is a tool used to ensure that all necessary tasks are completed before, during, and after restaurant operations. It is a list of items that need to be checked or accomplished, usually in chronological order. For restaurant owners and managers, checklists are essential for streamlining the opening and closing procedures, preventing kitchen accidents, and ensuring food safety standards are met.

Creating checklists can also help you standardize training for new employees and ensure everyone is on the same page. Restaurant checklists can be used for various purposes, but they all have one common goal: to keep your restaurant running smoothly and efficiently.


Benefits of Using Checklists for Your Restaurant Operations

Running a restaurant business involves a lot of moving parts. It’s easy for things to slip through the cracks and minor details to be forgotten. That’s why having comprehensive checklists in place is so important.

Checklists help you stay organized and on task to focus on providing your guests with the best possible experience. Here are some notable reasons as to why that is the case:

Ensuring Consistency

Using a restaurant checklist helps ensure consistency in your operations. When every task, from the preparation of dishes to the cleaning of the tables, is performed according to a predefined standard, each customer’s experience remains the same every time they visit your restaurant.

Maintaining Food Safety Standards

Checklists are crucial for upholding food safety standards. A well-structured restaurant checklist can help monitor temperatures, proper storage, and cleanliness, ensuring that your food is safe for consumption and reducing the risk of illnesses that can harm your reputation.

Staff Accountability

Checklists provide a clear roadmap of what must be done and by whom. They create accountability among the staff and ensure everyone completes their assigned tasks, leading to a more efficient and well-functioning operation.

Streamlining Training

Checklists can also be an effective tool for training new staff. They provide a comprehensive overview of the processes they need to follow, making it much easier to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Proactive Problem-Solving

Lastly, checklists allow for proactive problem-solving. By regularly checking off tasks and inspecting facilities, equipment, and processes, restaurants can identify potential issues before they escalate, saving time, money, and effort in the long run.


The 8 Different Types of Restaurant Checklists

There are many different types of restaurant checklists. There’s a checklist for the front and back of the house, bar, kitchen, and other areas. Knowing all the different restaurant checklists and what they contain is essential. With that said, here are eight of the most common restaurant checklists that you need to know:

Opening and Closing Checklists

These checklists ensure that all restaurant employees know their roles and responsibilities for opening and closing the restaurant.

Opening Checklist

An opening checklist contains a list of tasks a restaurant staff must accomplish at the start of the workday—before they open the restaurant to customers. A typical opening checklist includes the following items:

  • Punch in.
  • Check the interior and exterior of the restaurant for cleanliness.
  • Verify if light fixtures, signage, furniture, and air conditioning systems are functional.
  • Check if all registers have been cleared from the previous shift.
  • Turn on the POS system.
  • Conduct any necessary cleaning, including wiping down tables and countertops and sweeping or vacuuming the floor.
  • Prepare the pre-shift meeting; review the staff schedule, tasks, and roles for the day.
  • Conduct a pre-shift meeting with the front-of-house staff.
  • Touch base with the chef; review prep checklists and meal preparations.
  • Check the reservation lists; take note of special requests or notes about any upcoming service.
  • Do a final rundown to ensure everything is in place.
  • Open the restaurant.

Closing Checklist

At the end of the workday, a closing checklist will help you prepare the restaurant and have it ready for the next day. A closing checklist typically contains the following items:

  • Clean and sanitize chairs, countertops, tables, and other surfaces.
  • Wipe down floors, windows, and doors if necessary.
  • Clean bathrooms; restock bathroom essentials if necessary.
  • Empty and clean the trash bins; replace the bin bags.
  • Restock the fridge and the bar with drinks.
  • Clean kitchen surfaces and equipment.
  • Conduct food inventory and adjust orders according to demand.
  • Refill condiments (sugar, salt, pepper, etc.)
  • Check and turn off all equipment that doesn’t need to stay on throughout the night (e.g., light fixtures, air conditioning, kitchen appliances).
  • Close the cash register and store earnings for the day in a safe.
  • Punch out, lock the restaurant, and ensure all security cameras and alarms are active before leaving the premises.

Equipment Management Checklist

Instead of waiting for storage equipment to break down and require expensive repairs, you can use an equipment management checklist to ensure everything runs smoothly. This will help you avoid costly downtime and keep your restaurant running efficiently. Here’s what an equipment management checklist should include:

  • Visual inspection of all restaurant equipment.
  • Regularly scheduled deep cleaning of all restaurant equipment.
  • Daily sanitizing of all restaurant equipment.
  • Restaurant equipment maintenance and repairs.
  • Turn off ovens when not in use.
  • Check buttons, handles, hinges, grates, and knobs on different equipment to make sure they’re in working condition.
  • Check and clean the interiors of equipment like refrigerators, ovens, and freezers.
  • Keep the dishwasher free of food debris; when closing, leave the dishwasher door open to let it dry overnight.
  • Ensure all equipment and appliances are plugged in correctly, each with dedicated circuit breakers.

Inventory Checklist

For your restaurant to run smoothly, you must keep a tight handle on your inventory and ensure you’re not running low on key ingredients. This is where an inventory checklist comes in – it will help you track what needs to be restocked and what’s nearing its expiration date. Here’s what an inventory checklist should include:

  • Clean, organize, and stock the shelves.
  • Count, measure, and record stock items.
  • Label each stock item.
  • Utilize an inventory sheet to determine which items need restocking.
  • Inspect and dispose of any expired or outdated stock.
  • Use a POS system to integrate your inventory records with your sales records.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Checklist

Every business follows an SOP—a restaurant is no different. SOPs help restaurant employees know what’s expected of them and how to do their daily tasks. It also helps ensure everyone is on the same page, avoiding misunderstandings or mix-ups.

A restaurant SOP checklist can help you keep track of all your restaurant’s daily tasks. It typically has four main areas:

Facility and Equipment

A facility and equipment checklist focuses on handling the establishment and its equipment. It should include the following:

  • Regular maintenance and cleaning of equipment in the front and back of the house.
  • Dishwashing maintenance checklist.
  • Restaurant cleaning and sanitation.
  • Laundry procedure checklist.
  • Reporting any equipment malfunctions or issues.
  • Fire safety and emergency procedures.


Proper hygiene is essential in the restaurant industry. However, without a clear-cut guide, this can be challenging to achieve. That’s where a Hygiene checklist comes in handy — it will guide your staff in maintaining good personal hygiene and ensuring food safety. This checklist should include the following:

  • Appropriate work attire
  • Personal grooming
  • Employee health, especially instances of infectious diseases.
  • Proper handwashing practices
  • Use gloves and other necessary utensils.
  • Staff contact with blood and other foreign substances.

Flow of Food

This checklist contains detailed instructions about food safety, particularly the proper food preparation and handling. By following this checklist, you can prevent food-borne illnesses and keep your customers safe. It should include the following:

  • Purchasing and handling of food from external sources.
  • Standard food preparation methods and recipes.
  • Food presentation
  • Following proper temperatures for holding, reheating, and cooking food.
  • Composting/organic recycling
  • Proper food storage and labeling.


Good communication is key to running a successful restaurant. Having everyone on the same page and knowing their roles and responsibilities will help ensure smooth operations daily. A communication checklist involves proper dialogue between restaurant management, staff, and customers to keep the restaurant in order. It should include the following:

  • Welcome greetings to customers.
  • Responding to a physical hazard found in food.
  • Responding to a foodborne illness or contamination complaint.
  • Staff orientation and training on food safety.
  • Instilling food safety standards and regulations.
  • Employee performance monitoring and customer feedback.

People Management Checklist

Managing a restaurant involves more than just the food – you must also manage the people who work there. This includes hiring and onboarding new employees to manage their schedules and performance. To help you keep track of all these different aspects, you’ll need a people management checklist tailored to the restaurant industry. This checklist should include the following tasks:

  • Employee training and development
  • Retention strategies of employee
  • Employee compensation.
  • Recruitment and onboarding of new employees.
  • Employee scheduling using scheduling methods or software.
  • Health and safety protocols of employees.
  • Employee performance reviews and ratings.
  • Policies and procedures for human resources.

Prep Checklists

Preparing for a busy night ahead is essential for the success of any restaurant. No matter how much you think you know what you need to do to prepare, there will always be that one thing that slips your mind and puts a monkey wrench in the whole operation. Fortunately, with a restaurant prep checklist, you can avoid that mishap.

A prep checklist helps restaurant kitchen staff know exactly what needs to be done to prepare for service. This includes everything from setting up the workstation to prepping ingredients. A prep checklist should include the following:

  • Make sure the kitchen is clean and organized.
  • Preparing and measuring ingredients for dishes on the menu.
  • Checking equipment, making sure it works correctly.
  • Ensuring all necessary tools and utensils are available.
  • Setting up workstations for each cook or chef.
  • Labeling food items with their expiration dates to avoid waste.
  • Checking that all necessary equipment is turned on and ready to use.
  • Taking inventory of ingredients and restocking as needed.
  • Prepping sauces, dressings, and other menu items that can be made in advance.
  • Proper food storage and labeling of prepared ingredients.

ADA Compliance Checklist

The ADA compliance checklist is for restaurant owners and managers who want to ensure their establishment is accessible to people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires all public places, including restaurants, to be accessible to people with disabilities. Here are some items that you should include in your ADA compliance checklist:

  • Adequate measurements of accessible parking space (8 feet wide for vehicles, plus 5-feet access aisle).
  • Alternative access route that doesn’t need stairs (e.g., ramp, elevator).
  • Door width: ensure they’re wide enough for wheelchair users to access.
  • Aisle width: Make sure the aisles between fixed seating are wide enough for wheelchair users.
  • Make sure you have seating accessible to wheelchair users.
  • Ensure a portion of the food counter is accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Provide a dedicated restroom for people with disabilities.

Financial Audit Checklist

Finally, you’ll need a financial audit checklist to help you keep track of your restaurant’s finances. Running a restaurant requires careful management of money, and an audit checklist can help you identify any discrepancies. Factors include everything from budgeting and forecasting to bookkeeping and accounting. Here are some items that should be included in your financial audit checklist:

  • Tracking sales and expenses.
  • Reconciling bank statements.
  • Keeping track of inventory and costs.
  • Managing payroll and employee wages.
  • Monitoring accounts receivable and payable.
  • Preparing financial statements (i.e., income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement).
  • Checking for any discrepancies or irregularities in financial records.
  • Ensuring all necessary taxes are paid on time.
  • Identifying areas for cost-cutting and improving profitability.
  • Budgeting and forecasting for future financial goals.


By implementing these different checklists, you can streamline your restaurant operations and ensure that everything is running smoothly. From food safety to employee management and financial tracking, these checklists cover all aspects of running a successful restaurant. So take the time to create and implement them in your establishment, and you’ll see the difference it makes


How to Create a Restaurant Checklist?

A restaurant checklist is a powerful tool that not only ensures streamlined operations but also promotes consistency, quality, and efficiency. Creating an effective checklist, however, requires a deep understanding of your restaurant operations and thoughtful structuring. Here, we will walk you through the steps of creating a restaurant checklist tailored to your needs.

Step 1: Identify the Type of Restaurant Checklist

The first step in designing a restaurant checklist is to determine what type of checklist you’re creating. This could range from a hygiene checklist, equipment checklist, or people management checklist to a financial audit checklist. The type of checklist you need depends on the area of your restaurant operations you wish to streamline or improve. Use the previous section as a reference in identifying the type of checklist that you’re going to make.

Step 2: Understand the Elements Needed for Your Checklist

Knowing what to include in your checklist is crucial to its effectiveness. After identifying the type of checklist, it’s crucial to understand its components. For example, a hygiene checklist could include points about personal grooming, handwashing practices, and utensil use. A financial checklist might comprise sections on budgeting, cash flow statements, and payroll records.

Step 3: Structure Your Checklist

A well-structured checklist facilitates easy understanding and implementation. Order your points logically — from general to specific, or based on their chronology in the workflow. Ensure each point is clear and concise, eliminating any room for confusion. By organizing and structuring your checklist, you’re creating a user-friendly document that can easily be implemented by staff without much supervision.

Step 4: Implement the Checklist

Once your checklist is ready, it’s time to implement it in your restaurant operations. Educate your staff about the checklist, its purpose, and its use. Encourage them to use it regularly and provide feedback for continuous improvement. By doing so, you not only streamline your operations but also promote a culture of accountability and responsibility among your staff.

Step 5: Review and Update Your Checklist Regularly

A checklist is not a static document — it should evolve with your restaurant operations. Regularly review and update your checklist based on feedback and changes in your restaurant practices. This will ensure your checklist remains relevant and effective. At the same time, you can also use the opportunity to identify new areas of improvement and create new checklists for them.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Why is a restaurant checklist important?

A restaurant checklist is a crucial and practical tool for efficiently managing various aspects of restaurant operations. It helps ensure that all tasks are completed, standards are maintained, and nothing is overlooked. The checklist serves as a guide, making the operational process more organized, efficient, and consistent.

Q2: How often should I review and update my restaurant checklist?

While there’s no hard-and-fast rule, it is generally advisable to review and update your restaurant checklist every quarter. However, the frequency may vary depending on changes in your restaurant operations, compliance requirements, or industry standards.

Q3: Should I have a separate checklist for each area of my restaurant operation?

Yes, having separate checklists for each area of your restaurant operations can make managing tasks easier and more efficient. It allows specific departments or teams to focus on their responsibilities without being overwhelmed with unrelated tasks.

Q4: How detailed should my restaurant checklist be?

The level of detail in your restaurant checklist depends on the nature of the tasks included. It’s essential to strike a balance between providing enough detail to ensure tasks are understood and completed correctly but not so much that the checklist becomes overly complex and time-consuming.

Q5: Can I use a pre-made restaurant checklist?

While pre-made checklists can provide a good starting point, it’s always advisable to tailor them to your specific restaurant operations. Each restaurant is unique, and its checklist should reflect that. Creating a custom checklist ensures that all tasks are relevant and necessary for your establishment. However, you can always use pre-made checklists as a reference when creating your own.

Q6: Can I use a digital restaurant checklist?

Absolutely! Digital checklists are becoming increasingly popular due to their easy access, update, and duplication. They can be easily shared and updated in real-time and can also be integrated with other digital systems, which can automate certain tasks, saving you time and effort.


Use DATAMYTE to Create Restaurant Checklists

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard, in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you create custom checklists for your restaurant operations effortlessly.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits, a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps. This audit focuses on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues.

With DATAMYTE, you have an all-in-one solution for creating and implementing restaurant checklists. It streamlines your operations, improves efficiency, and ensures consistency in your processes. Book a demo now to learn more.



Running a restaurant is a multifaceted operation that requires effective management and organization. The use of a well-structured restaurant checklist can play a pivotal role in streamlining operations, maintaining consistency, and ensuring that no task is overlooked. By creating customized checklists for each aspect of your restaurant operations, such as hygiene, finances, and overall service, you can ensure that all tasks are understood and completed correctly.

Regular reviews and updates of these checklists will ensure they remain relevant and effective. The creation and utilization of restaurant checklists are not only recommended but essential for the smooth operation and success of your business. Start creating your restaurant checklists today and see the transformation in your restaurant operations.



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