What Is A Workplace Fire Safety Checklist & How To Make One

What Is A Workplace Fire Safety Checklist & How To Make One

Last Updated on October 11, 2022 by Ossian Muscad

Did you know that workplace fires account for more than $162 million in damages every year in the United States alone? That’s a lot of money—and many lives—that could be saved with a simple workplace fire safety checklist. You might think checklists are only for boring office tasks, but when it comes to fire safety, a checklist can mean the difference between life and death.

This guide will teach you how to create your workplace fire safety checklist. We’ll also provide some tips on how to make your workplace safer from fire hazards. Let’s get started!


What is a Workplace Fire Safety Checklist?

A workplace fire safety checklist is a tool that lists items and tasks that need to be completed to ensure a workplace is safe from fire hazards. With a fire safety checklist, you can mitigate potential risks and fire hazards to avoid serious property loss, injuries, and workplace deaths. In addition, a fire safety checklist will also aid safety officers in developing the most effective fire safety plan for workplaces.


Importance of Fire Safety Inspections

A workplace fire safety inspection is essential in a lot of ways. First, it’s the best method for assessing potential fire hazards in your workplace. It will also help you identify any areas that need improvement to make your workplace safer. 

Additionally, workplace fire safety inspections can help you develop a plan of action in the event of a fire. Through careful and comprehensive fire safety inspections, you can ensure that everyone in your workplace knows what to do in the event of a fire. This can help to prevent panic and ensure that everyone remains calm and safe.


Fire Safety Tips

It’s paramount for every employer to ensure and maintain the safety of their employees by being prepared for any potential fire incident. Here are some workplace fire safety tips that every employer should follow:

  • Establish and post clear evacuation routes.
  • Remove any potential fire hazards the moment they’re discovered.
  • Educate employees on workplace fire safety procedures.
  • Develop and conduct regular fire drills.
  • Cooperate with local fire departments to ensure your workplace is up to code.
  • Assess the workplace and create an effective fire safety plan
  • Conduct regular inspections on different fire safety equipment to ensure they’re up-to-date, fully calibrated, and operational; these equipment include the following:
    • Smoke detectors and alarms
    • Fire extinguishers
    • Fire escape signages
  • Keep all electrical devices secure, and report any signs of damage to those authorized to fix the issue.
  • Conduct regular fire risks inspection and assessments.
  • Provide safe and unobstructed access for firefighters.
  • Review government policies and update fire safety plans whenever necessary.
  • Create a workplace fire safety checklist tailored to your workplace


How to Make Your Own Workplace Fire Safety Checklist?

Now that we’ve gone over the importance of workplace fire safety let’s look at how you can create a checklist. There are many ways to create this. First, you can use a digital checklist builder like DATAMYTE’s Digital Clipboard, designed for safety professionals. With this tool, you can create digital checklists that are easy to use and share.

Another way to create this is to use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. With Excel, you can create a custom fire safety checklist template that you can use for your workplace. 

You can also find many workplace fire safety checklist templates online. These templates can be downloaded and customized to fit your workplace’s needs.


When creating one, be sure to include the following items:

  • The name and address of your workplace
  • The name and contact information of the person responsible for fire safety in your workplace
  • A list of all potential fire hazards in your workplace
  • Evacuation routes
  • Emergency exits
  • A list of all fire safety equipment in your workplace, including the location of each item
  • The time and date of the last fire safety inspection
  • The date of the next scheduled fire safety inspection


Once you have all the necessary data and information, simply add them to your checklist. Organize and format the checklist in a way that is easy to understand and follow. Include detailed instructions. Also, update your workplace fire safety checklist on a regular basis. Doing so will ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date.


Create a Workplace Fire Inspection Checklist with DATAMYTE

Of all the options available for creating a workplace fire safety checklist, DATAMYTE and its Digital Clipboard is the best choice. This tool can create digital checklists and streamline your workplace fire safety inspection process. 

The DataMyte Digital Clipboard is a cloud-based workplace automation software that lets you create any digital checklists and forms. For example, with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can easily create a comprehensive fire safety checklist. In addition, you can also add different elements such as barcodes, photos, signatures, and more. 

Once you’ve created your workplace fire safety checklist, you can then share it with your inspection team and have them access your digital checklist via their mobile devices. You can also conveniently track and manage your workplace fire safety inspection data whenever and wherever. 

Schedule a demo today and see how DATAMYTE can help improve your workplace fire safety inspection process!



By following our expert tips and advice, you can create an effective workplace fire safety checklist that will help to keep your workplace safe. Remember, this is an important part of any workplace fire safety plan. By taking the time to create one, you can help ensure your workplace’s safety.



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